In light of the current COVID19 crisis, and after MUCH thought, prayer, and consideration, the board of our Caledonia Church has decided to suspend worship services and all other activities (Wednesday Bible study, propose youth overnight, etc.) until further notice. As you can imagine, this has not been an easy decision to arrive at, and you should thank your board members for faithfully wrestling with it. We, the board, will continue to monitor the situation and will reconvene us as a congregation when we believe it is prudent and safe.
This does not mean no worship! I would encourage all of you to expand worship, prayer, song, and scripture reading in your homes. The web is full of great messages, music, and teachings. If you need suggestions, let me know. I welcome your questions, your calls, your texts, your emails. I want us to be together as a congregation as much as this interruption allows. Certainly, let us pray for one another, for our church, for our nation, and for the world. If you have particular prayer requests, let me know.
And this does not mean no work! We need to be Jesus to the world now more than ever. Your neighbors, friends, co-workers, and fellow students may very much need your help. Ask God. He'll let you know.
It DOES mean waiting... waiting until God says it is time for us to get together again. And in that time, let's keep our eyes, ears, and hearts on him
Know that you are dear to me and it is hard for me to not see you face to face. Know also, that God is in charge of all of this, and that he can use this, and these days for great good if we will let him!