Today we did our annual spring cleaning of the meeting house known as Caledonia Congregational Church. Not a huge crowd, but plenty of willing workers to shake out the dust, shine up the wood, rake out the leaves, pick up trash on the bike trail and a host of other chores as they presented themselves. I'm grateful to all who came and worked, but mostly for the joy and friendship that connected us as we worked, ate our donuts, sipped our coffee.
I would point out that we cleaned the meeting house- we did not clean the church. The church is us- the gathered and sent out people of God. And frankly, it occured to me as we worked, that the church- US- also needs a spring cleaning, too. Us collectively, and us individually.
Jesus had not nice things to say to the religious leaders of his day- calling them white-washed tombs, clean on the outside, but full of rot and decay on the inside. That had to have hurt. But Jesus only told the truth, and he only told it in love.
And he tells us the same. Unless we are deliberately doing the interior cleaning- that is, confessing, repenting, letting him wash us clean- our work on the exterior is of no value. And we need to do this not just annually, but daily, maybe moment by moment.
Have you done your inside cleaning lately? It's no good looking good on the outside, if we are a mess on the inside. He's the only one who can take care of that. Let's let him, shall we?
Sundays - Every Sunday: Adult Sunday School - 9:15 am - Church Basement
Worship Service - 10:30 am - Sanctuary
5/1 - Communion Service with Hill family providing music.
5/8 - Short presentation and retiring offering for the Gideons.
Tuesdays - 5/5 and 5/12 - Alpha for Women - 6:30 - 8 PM - Colleen Blaney's home. Enjoy some conversation and catch the last few topics.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday : Adult Bible Study and Potluck -5:45 PM - Fraker's home.
Thursdays - 5/12 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room
5/19 - Serving Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church
Saturdays - Every Saturday - Men's Book Study - 8:30 am - Dandy Donuts on Riverside
Service Opportunities
Refreshments - Sign up sheet in the fellowship room.
Greeters - Take a turn to greet and hand out bulletins. Arrive a little early and take your turn!
Community Dinner - See Sandy Free if you are interested in helping or eating on May 19.
Well Update - See Colleen if you are interested in a fall supper at the church to raise funds for another well. Or perhaps you have other ideas. Feedback welcome.
Other News
Thanks - Thank you to all helped with cleaning day on April 30.
Progressive Farm Dinner - Plan ahead now to attend our first ever progressive farm dinner on Sunday July 10. It is going to include 4 courses of food at 4 different member's farms! A hay ride and bonfire are included in this fun event. Watch for more details in June. It will be planned potluck, so all who come can help pitch in to provide the food.
Bible 101 - Are you interested in a Bible study? Bible 101 may be for you. Coming this fall, Watch for more details.