The month of March is known for many things: longer days; warmer temperatures; lions and lambs, the beginning of spring; the continuation of Lent; fish fries at Catholic parishes; and the only day of the year that is a command. What day is that, you ask? Why, March fourth, of course!
Yes, God commands us to follow him, to go into the world, to be salt and light, to be hope and joy, wherever we go. Who could possibly be up to such a high calling? No one! At least, not on our own!
But God promises to never leave us or forsake us (Matthew 28:18-20)! He promises to fill us with his Holy Spirit and power (Acts 1:8)! He himself will be our source and our guide if we will but surrender to him in joyful obedience.The question is, will we?
The world is desperately in need of God. And God needs us to be his agents of love in and to the world. Every single day.
March forth!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Prayer at 9 am, Worship Service at 10:30 am.
3/4 - Communion Sunday
3/25 - Palm Sunday
- Hiking Day, after fellowship.
Tuesdays - 3/20 - Sisters in Spirit and Service serving lunch at Carpenter's Place,
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday: Alpha - 6:30 pm - Church Basement.
Thursdays - Every Thursday: Explorers - Kids program in basement - 4:30-6 pm.
3/1 - Church Board Meeting - 7 pm - Fellowship Room.
3/8 - Men gathering at Carlyle - 6 pm.
3/22 - Community Dinner - Poplar Grove Church - 5:30 pm - See Sandy Free
for info.
3/29 -Maundy Thursday - 5:45 pm Soup Supper and 7 pm Worship Service.
Other News:
Congratulations to Walter and Cassie Hitchcock on the birth of their son, Oliver on Feb. 22!
Fish Fries: The Rockford Catholic churches host delicious fish fries every Friday night during Lent. Gary and Jennifer would love for you to join them as they check out a different one each Friday night starting March 9. Text or call the day before if you are interested in going. Average price about $8-$10 for adults.
Community Dinner - Sandy Free would like to remind all of us that we are welcome to come the fourth Thursday of each month to eat at the community dinner at the Poplar Grove Methodist Church at 5:30 pm. If you would like to know the menu before you come, please give Sandy your name and she can email the menu to you by Monday of that week.
Maundy Thursday Events - Thursday, March 29 everyone is invited to gather for a soup supper in the church basement at 5:45 pm, then head upstairs for a communion worship service at 7 pm. If you would be willing to provide something for the meal, there is a signup sheet in the fellowship room.
Looking Ahead - Easter Sunday is April 1. Great day of celebrating and a great day to invite someone to church.
Rada Cutlery - Sisters in Spirit and Service are having a spring fundraiser selling Rada cutlery. We will have catalogs and a small display in the fellowship room beginning Sunday, April 8. Orders will be starting that day. The final day for orders will be on Sunday, April 22. Please pay when ordering. These make great gifts and are 100% American made! Any questions, please contact Leslie.