By now, many, maybe most of you know that March has the only day of the year that is a command. And if you know that, you probably also know that it is my birthday! That's right, March 4th (march forth) is the only day of the year that is a command. I take it as my destiny call!
But, so what? Is this just a shameless plug for birthday greetings? What does this fact have to do with the ministry we do at Caledonia?
Actually, the call to march forth is throughout scripture. The Jewish people launched out of Egypt on such a command! Countless Old Testament battles were led by kings and generals who heard the call. In the New Testament, everyone who heard and followed the call to follow Jesus was in fact, following a call to march forth, to step out in faith, and go wherever he went.
Perhaps the strongest call to this was in the last words Jesus spoke to his disciples. In Matthew 28:20, just before he left this earth to return to his Father, Jesus told them to "go into all the world and make disciples of all people". Talk about marching orders!
That assignment is why we and every other Christian congregation exists. To bring the good news of God's love and salvation to all. Let's march forth into that assignment every day!
PS - A couple more things: The Wednesday night Bible discussion is using the theme and scriptures from the previous Sunday as our discussion guide. Everyone is welcome to join us in that discussion- it's not a closed group.
- Last Sunday we talked about living moment to moment, focused on God. One practical way to practice this is to begin work on turning our thoughts into prayers, our monologues into dialogues. We are always thinking, and we can, with only a little effort, begin to change those thoughts into prayers by addressing them to God. Talk to me if you would like some examples of what I mean.
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30 am.
3/3 - Communion Sunday
3/31 - Coin Collection for Benevolence fund.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday - Bible Study - 7 PM - Fellowship Room
3/6 - Ash Wednesday - Lent Begins.
Thursdays - 3/14 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
3/28 - Community Dinner - Poplar Grove Church - 5:30 PM - eat and/or serve.
Saturdays - 3/9 - Set your clocks ahead one hour tonight - Daylight Savings begins!
3/16 - Music Concert - 7 PM - Sanctuary - Bluegrass Band and Gospel Quartet.
Other News:
Thanks - Thank you to everyone who helped before, during, and after Susan Siek's funeral. So many helped to make it a wonderful day to celebrate her life.
Concert - Do you have cabin fever from this long winter? Then come on out for an evening of music on Saturday, March 16 from 7- 9 PM in the sanctuary. The first act will be our own Bruce Johnson's Timber Point Bluegrass Band. The second act will be Hope 4, a gospel quartet from Hope Free Church. Ginny Johnson's brother is in that group! We could use some people to help, so please talk to Bruce if you are willing to help with this event. This is open to the public and we want to get the word out. Please plan on attending a fun night of wonderful music and fun fellowship. Invite your family and friends!
Refreshments - Just a reminder that our Sunday fellowship treats will no longer have a sign-up sheet. Anytime you feel like sharing something, just bring it. We hope everyone can participate in this simple plan at some point in time. We will always have coffee.
Coin Collection - Our next quarterly coin collection will be Sunday, March 31. Bring your jars of coins and we will collect them for our Benevolence Fund.
Looking Ahead:
Thursday, April 18 - Maundy Thursday Soup Supper and Communion Service.
Sunday, April 21 - Easter Sunday!