Welcome to sort-of spring! It's way better than the winter we are leaving (though some of us sort of enjoyed it!). But not quite the full blown hoo-rah that spring usually brings to mind. A little chilly for that yet. Little damp. Still, the robin's are hopping about, the snow is all but gone, and last night there was a rumbling thunderstorm. Slowly, but surely, spring is on the way.
Easter isn't here yet either- we are still in the contemplative mode of Lent. We are considering what it means to truly follow Jesus, especially as he nears the culmination of his ministry on the cross, and the joyful celebration of his victory over evil and death at the resurrection. We know it's coming, but it's not here yet.
Which leaves us April Fools Day. A day when we get to play tricks on each other. A day to be on our toes that others won't play tricks on us. A day to remind us to always be on our toes. Because, as some of us just read and studied, our enemy, the Devil, is always trying to trick, trap, or attack us. And probably his favorite trick is to convince us, if even briefly, that there is no God at all. The Bible tells us "the fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'". Which is why some call April 1st "Atheists Day".
But I won't. Because I've been tricked before, too. And nobody wants to be called or considered a fool.
So be on your toes. And be patient. Spring, and the full-blown resurrection power of Jesus, will both soon be here. I can't wait! How about you?
Saturday April 5 - All Church Breakfast and Vision Meeting - Breakfast starts at 8 am , done by noon.
Sunday April 6 - Worship Service with Communion - 10:30 am
Thursday April 11- Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Church Fellowship room
Sunday April 13 - Palm Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am
Wednesday April 16 - Serving Breakfast to Carpenter's Place - 8:30 am
Thursday April 17 - Maundy Thursday Soup Supper and Service with Communion
Supper - serving starts at 5:45, need volunteers to bring food, sign up in fellowship room Communion Service - 7 PM
Friday April 18 - Good Friday - New Fellowship Baptist located at 804 2nd Ave in Rockford is inviting us to attend their
service from 12 noon - 3 PM to hear pastors preach on the 7 last words of Christ. Pastor Gary will be
preaching on the 5th word "I thirst". If interested in being in a choir for that event, talk to Gary.
Sunday April 20 - Easter Sunday Service - 10:30 am - Come and celebrate Christ's resurrection!
Saturday April 26 - Cleaning Day at the church - 8:30 am. All needed and welcomed!
Sunday April 27 - Worship Service - 10:30 am
Hiking following fellowship
Men's Book Study - Saturdays - 8:30 am at Dandy Donuts on Riverside in Rockford.
Women's Book Study - Thursdays - 2 PM at Judy Murphy's home.
Bible Study and Potluck - Tuesdays - 6 PM at Barrick's home, just starting II Peter.
Greeters - Sign up in the fellowship room. Welcome people and give them a bulletin!
Refreshments - Sign up in the fellowship room. We want to encourage fellowship and food seems to do that, so take a turn and provide some simple treats.
Maundy Thursday Supper - Sign up in the fellowship room to help provide food for this supper.
Blue Barrel- Think of the hungry when you are grocery shopping, buy some extras for the blue barrel.
Cleaning the church - Come and help clean up the church on Saturday April 26. 8:30 am
Community Dinner - Did you know our church is responsible to serve a dinner the third Thursday of every month? The food pantry uses the Poplar Grove Methodist Church to offer free dinners to those in need. We need 4 adult volunteers a month. This month we are off, but the dinners will resume in May. Please sign up. It is fun and rewarding.
Book Exchange - The book exchange in the basement is full of books and magazines. Be sure to check it out some
Sunday. Donations always welcomed.
Fall Luncheon and Bazaar - Looking way ahead, the fall luncheon and bazaar will be held the last Saturday in September. Anyone willing, is encouraged to make items at home to be sold in the craft area. Also when you are doing your spring cleaning, be sure to save nice gift type items for our treasures sales.