Please don't hate me for this, but...I love winter! I know! I know! I don't have to work outside, I am not homeless, I don't need assistance walking. I know. But most of the people whining about winter have the same advantages I do. Less one thing... my secret weapon. Here it is...I've trained myself over time to love winter. That's it! Back when I was young and when I lived in the Dakotas (REAL winters!), I decided that if I had to live there, I'd better learn to love it. And I have... and I do. God helping me That's the real secret of course. It isn't much different than Jesus telling us to love our enemies. Except most of us have few enemies. If we do happen to have any enemies, it is usually easy to ignore them. But winter sits on our porch all night, waiting for us to come out. Winter, for many IS an enemy- physically, emotionally, even spiritually. Maybe winter is given to us so we can practice that most difficult of assignments... Would Jesus tell us to do something we couldn't? I don't think so. REALLY? LOVE my enemies? Yep. He did, and he expects us to as well. Love is why he came. Love for ALL. That's our assignment. Our job is not easy. But Jesus in us, empowering us, makes it possible. So the next time you are tempted to hate winter, think of it as enemy that Jesus wants you to love. It won't change the conditions but the practice will do you good! Besides spring is almost here!
Hope to see you soon...
Saturday March 1 - Birthday Party for Hazel Kindberg - 1-3 PM, Maplecrest Nursing Home
Sunday March 2 - Worship Service with Communion - 10:30 am
Saturday March 8 - Daylight Savings Time begins tomorrow. Turn your clocks ahead tonight.
Sunday March 9 - Worship Service - 10:30 am
Thursday March 13 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Church Fellowship room
Saturday March 15 - Sisters in Spirit Meeting - 9 am - Judy Murphy's home. Come join us for a time of brainstorming of ideas and events for 2014.
Sunday March 16 - Worship Service - 10:30 am
Hiking after fellowship
Thursday March 20 - Community Dinner at Poplar Grove Church, sign up sheet in fellowship room.
Sunday March 23- Worship Service - 10:30 am
Sunday March 30 - Worship Service - 10:30 am
Men's Book Study - Saturdays - 8:30 am. Dandy Donuts on Riverside
Women's Book Study - Thursdays - 2 PM, Marilyn Hauth's home
Bible Study and Potluck - Wednesdays - 6 PM, Barricks home, currently studying 1 Peter
Flowers for the sanctuary - New sign up sheet in the fellowship room. Pick a month and furnish real or artificial flowers/plant or some kind of décor.
Greeters - Sign up in the fellowship room. Great way to greet everyone as they come to church.
Refreshments - Sign up in the fellowship room. It may be cold outside, but the warmth of Christian fellowship can't be beat. Take a turn with a friend, and furnish some simple treats.
Blue Barrel - This winter does not end, and neither does hunger. So continue to fill our blue barrel.
Community Dinner - This is a wonderful program to feed hungry people. We need about 4 people once a month to help prepare, serve, and cleanup for this dinner, served at the Poplar Grove Church. There is now a sign up sheet in the fellowship room.
Saturday April 5 - Vision Meeting and Breakfast - Breakfast is at 8am and meeting will follow. Plan on being finished by noon.
Thursday April 17 - Maundy Thursday Soup Supper and Worship Service. 5:30pm supper, 7:00pm service.
Sunday April 20 - Easter Sunday!