This year, Good Friday and Easter fall in March, a chance to recall the greatest love the world was ever shown, Jesus, on the cross for us!
Just before he died, Jesus said this: " The greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends, and you are my friends if you do the things that I command." (John 15:13,14) And what did he command? To love one another!
Let's love like that! Let's be as selfless and as serving as we can be! When we consider all He did for us, does for us, and sacrificed for us, it's not too much to ask.
Seems like last month we were talking about love, too. Hmmmm... Maybe there's a theme here...
Remember, God is love. May he fill you with himself this month, as we celebrate his most amazing love!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Adult Sunday School - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
Worship Service - 10:30 am.
3/6 - Communion Service, the Hills provide music.
3/13 - Deadline to RSVP for the Fish Boil on 4/16. See Nikki Fowler.
3/20 - Palm Sunday
3/27 - Easter Service
Mondays - Every Monday: Alpha for Women - 6:30-8 PM - Church Basement. Newcomers welcome! Enjoy the video and time to talk and listen.
Wednesdays- Every Wednesday: Adult Bible Study and Potluck - 5:45 PM, Fraker's home.
Thursdays - Every Thursday: Women's Book Study - 1 PM - Judy Murphy's home.
3/10 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
3/17 - Serving Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church.
3/24 - Maundy Thursday Soup Supper and Worship Service.
Supper at 5:45 PM and Service at 7PM.
Saturdays- Every Saturday: Men's Book Study - 8:30 am - Dandy Donuts on Riverside
3/12 - Time Change - Set your clocks ahead one hour tonight before you go
to bed.
Service Opportunities
Maundy Thursday - March 24 we will gather for a soup supper at 5:45 PM, followed by a communion worship service at 7 PM. If you would like to bring something for the meal, please sign up in the fellowship room.
Family Fools Night - Friday April 1 - 6 PM. Nikki Fowler is looking for volunteers to bring food, prepare tacos, and be referees for some games. Talk to her or look for sign up sheet.
Flowers - Choose a month to provide flowers for the front of the church. Sign up sheet in the fellowship room.
Community Dinner - Help serve and/or eat at this dinner held on 3/17 at the Poplar Grove Church. Talk to Sandy Free if interested.
Other News
Well Update - Some possible new ideas for fundraising are being explored. The garage sale committee has decided not to pursue a garage sale this year. Sorry for any confusion, especially if you have been saving items. Perhaps individuals could host their own sales and donate the proceeds towards the well fund.
Looking Ahead
Friday April 1 - Family Fools Night - 6 PM - Church Basement - Taco supper followed by games. All ages are invited. Please see Nikki Fowler to sign up to help. Flyers are in the fellowship room.
Saturday April 16 - Fish Boil in Genoa City, Wisconsin. Leaving from the church at 4:30 PM. All you care to eat buffet is $14. You must RSVP by March 13. See Nikki.