As a kid, I loved April Fools Day, loved pulling pranks on people, making them look at something that wasn't there; trying to get them to do something stupid. It was like an all day event, every year. And I wondered why there wasn't a "Fool's Day" for every month of the year.
I've grown older now. It's rare when I try to fool someone on April 1. I think others have grown tired of my pranks. I think I even have. Sort of sad really...
But not as sad as actually being a fool. Now that is pathetic.
King David wrote, "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." (Psalm14:1).
Believe me, I have great respect for those who have legitimate questions about the reality of God, who consider themselves agnostic or atheistic, having given serious thought to the matter. They are not fools.
But those that have never given serious consideration to these eternal issues, have never really wrestled with them, have never genuinely investigated the possibility of a reality they cannot touch, see, or fully comprehend; those might, in fact, be fools. To say "there is no God" without earnestly checking out that hypothesis, is foolish indeed. Even deadly.
It is also foolish to say you are a follower of Jesus, you do believe, but never let that faith show itself in the life you live. To know what he taught, and never put it in to practice. To be a believer in word only. Real foolish.
Don't be foolish. Don't let some knuckle head like me trick you on April 1st with some dopey prank. And don't neglect the greatest life imaginable by deciding, without investigating, that there is no God. And don't pretend to be a follower when you aren't. He is eager to make himself known to you, and to give you that adventurous life of following him. Why not give him a chance?
It's the wisest thing you'll ever do.
Sundays - Every Sunday: Adult Sunday School - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
Worship Service - 10:30 am - Sanctuary.
4/3 - Communion Service, the Hills provide music.
Mondays - Every Monday: Alpha for Women - 6:30-8 PM - Church Basement. Enjoy the video, and a time to talk, and listen.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday: Adult Bible Study and Potluck - 5:45 PM - Fraker's.
Thursdays - 4/14 - Women's Book Study - 12 noon - final meeting - Judy Murphy's.
- Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
4/21 - Serving Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church.
Saturdays - Every Saturday: Men's Book Study - 8:30 am - Dandy Donuts on Riverside.
4/14 - Fish Boil - If you made reservations meet at the school parking lot at
4/30 - Spring Cleaning at the church - 9 am - 12 noon.
Service Opportunities
Community Dinner - Thursday April 21 - Poplar Grove Church - See Sandy Free for info.
Spring Cleaning - We have a beautiful church! Please come on April 30 to help with spring cleaning. We will clean inside and outside. If we all work together, it will go quickly! 9 -noon.
Refreshments - Do you enjoy our weekly fellowship time? Please consider signing up to bring treats some Sunday. Sign up sheet in the fellowship room.
Greeters - Arrive a little early, hand out the bulletins and greet each person as they arrive.
Prayer- Let's pray daily for our nation from now until the national day of prayer, May 5
Other News
Church Board - Dan Fraker has moved to the open Deacon position and Curt Moore is now a Trustee. Congratulations!
Thanks - Thanks to everyone who brought food for the Maundy Thursday soup supper! It was a delicious meal.
- Thanks to all who helped with our recent village food drive. It was a success and we were able to deliver a number of bags of food to the food pantry.