I love this time of year... and I hate it.
I love the freshness of fall, the beginnings of change in the weather and the colors, the depth of blue in the sky, crickets singing every night.
I'm not so crazy about having to wear more layers of clothing, the end of summer activities, the end of summer freedom.
Most of my life has had summer as the end and fall as the beginning of my year. That's because for most of my life I was either in school or working with students who were. So this is the time of year that always pushes me to ask, "What do I need to know this year?" "What do I want to learn?"
I always want to be learning. I always want to know more. And as important as that all is, there is something more important than knowledge.
Wisdom. Wisdom is how we apply what we know. Without it, all of our knowledge is worthless, or even dangerous. The book of Proverbs champions the value and importance of wisdom; the need to grow in it, and to hang on to it. It tells us this: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" Proverbs 9:10
Putting God first in all matters, in all areas of our lives, is the way to be wise. It doesn't matter the month or the season. If we are going to live the life God intends, we need to be wise, we need to be submitted to Him.
Are you wise?
Have a great month!
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am
9/1 - Communion Sunday
- Congregational Meeting to vote on the new basement windows.
9/29 - Coin Collection Sunday
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday - Bible Study - 7 PM - Fellowship Room Between topics. Good time to join us!
Thursdays - 9/5 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room
9/26 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - Eat and/or serve.
Other News -
Towel Collection - Sisters in Service and Spirit would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support of the towel collection this summer. What a blessing to be able to give so many towels to the Rockford Rescue Mission. Thank you so much!
Spiritual Growth Ideas - Is there something you would like to study or learn about that would help you grow spiritually? Or maybe an event or training you would like to have? Do you have some ideas or suggestions? Please share those with Pastor Gary. We are looking for new opportunities if there is interest.
Directory - We will be updating our church directory. If any of your information has changed, please let Nikki Maurice know.
Coin Collection - Time to bring in your jars of coins again! Please bring them in on Sunday, September 29. This money is used for benevolence giving.
Refreshments - Thanks for those who have occasionally brought some treats this summer. We will continue on with our potluck-style fellowship time on Sundays. No sign-up, please consider bringing something to share.