What a goofy time! Everyone laments the shortness of the days (as though this hasn't happened before!). But most of us also eagerly look forward to Christmas. Winter is almost upon us, and yet in a couple of weeks, the days will start getting longer again. Goofy. I love God's wisdom and intricacy as evidenced in the seasons. In his plan, everything happens for a reason, and everything leads to something else, something new, often something better. We just can't always comprehend what that is. But we can begin to comprehend his presence. We can begin to comprehend the height, depth, length, and width of his love. We can take advantage of the longer nights, to give ourselves more rest, and maybe more time to reflect on the wonder of this season. I hope we will do just that. The approach the world takes to this season is a frenzy. God invites us to get quiet with him to consider more deeply all that he has done, and is doing in our lives. He is never in a hurry. Maybe we should learn from that. I'm looking forward to celebrating these days and the coming celebration with you! Gary Calendar Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person at the church and via Zoom. 12/5 - Second Sunday in Advent and Communion Sunday - Congregational Meeting in the sanctuary and via Zoom after the worship service. 12/12 - Third Sunday in Advent 12/19 - Fourth Sunday in Advent 12/26 - Collection of coins for benevolence funds. Wednesdays - 12/1 and 12/8 - Bible Study via Zoom - 7:30 PM - Zoom 12/15 - Sing the Songs of Christmas - 6:30 PM - Sanctuary - Refreshments to follow. Zoom Fridays - 12/24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 4:30 PM in person in the sanctuary and via Zoom. - Refreshments in the fellowship room before the service at 3:45. Contact Gary for Zoom links: [email protected] Other News- Communion Sunday - Communion is Sunday, December 6. The elements will be provided. If you are coming via Zoom, please have your own ready if you wish to participate. Congregational Meeting - A short congregational meeting will be held right after church on Sunday, December 6. Grab a cup of coffee and plan to stay for the meeting. Zoom will remain on for the meeting. Some decisions concerning the church budget will be discussed and voted on. Sings the Songs of Christmas - We are having an indoor Christmas Carol sing-along on Wednesday, December 15 at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary or via Zoom. (we will not be able to post the words to the songs, but most will be familiar) Come for a fun night of singing your favorite Christmas carols and songs. Invite a friend or neighbor to join you. If you don't like to sing, come anyway! Enjoy the fun, fellowship, and food. Refreshments after the singing. If you would like to bring something please read the paragraph about refreshments. Christmas Eve - Celebrate Christmas Eve in a new way this year! Our service will be Friday, December 24 at 4:30 PM. We will still have carols, candles, the Christmas story, and a message. We are meeting earlier to allow you to get home in time to enjoy your whole evening with family and friends. Also new this year is a time of fellowship before the service! Plan on coming about 3:45 for a time of fellowship and refreshments. See the next paragraph if you want to help. Refreshments - We would like to have some simple refreshments for our Christmas Sing-along on December 15 and before our Christmas Eve service. Please consider bringing some cookies or any kind of appetizer to one or both of these events. We thought it might be especially nice to have something in addition to cookies on the afternoon of the 24th. But we will be thrilled with whatever you might like to bring! We have also started to have a few treats brought for Sunday morning, so if you feel inclined, that is also welcomed! Coffee is always served on Sunday mornings. Offering - During Advent our offering plate is now located in the center of the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for being so faithful in your gifts. Remember to mail your offering to Nathalie Lyford if you don't come in person. Visitors - Despite Covid, we have recently had a number of visitors on Sunday morning. Let's make sure we notice and greet them! Perhaps there are people you see regularly on Sunday morning and don't know them either, be sure to make a point to greet them as well. Covid - Speaking of Covid, it looks like it just doesn't want to go away! Let's be sure to follow safety protocols when possible to be considerate of others. Also please watch on Zoom if you don't feel well or know you have been exposed to Covid. Thanks! Looking Ahead - Annual Meeting - Sunday, January 16 - following the worship service. |
AuthorGary Schwerin, pastor Archives
February 2025
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