Friends -
It's march! And you know what that means... the start of Lent, the start of Spring, and the only day of the year that is a command! Why do I always come back to that one day? Believe it or not, it's not just because it is my birthday. It's because I find it so interesting that there is a day that by its very name calls us to action. In the church, we do a lot of listening, praying, talking, and considering. All good. All necessary. But if we stop with those, we are missing out, we are forgetting something important, we might even be guilty of sin. Jesus tells us that it is not the ones who know his commands that are blessed, but those who actually do them. James tells us that if we know something is right to do, but do not do it, it is sin. I love to pray and listen and consider and talk, but if I don't act on what I learn there, what good does it do? You and I are called to a life of action, of marching forth. There is a world that needs what we have. Let's go in God's love and make an impact on this world for him, by doing what he calls us to do. Have a great month! March forth! Gary Calendar Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom - 7:30 PM - Zoom 3/2 - Ash Wednesday - Beginning of Lent. - Argyle Willow Creek Presbyterian is inviting us to their Lent events. See below. Thursdays - 3/3 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM - Zoom Saturdays - 3/12 - Daylight Savings Time starts - Be sure to spring your clocks ahead 1 hour tonight! Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person at the church and via Zoom. 3/6 - Communion Sunday - See information below. Contact Gary at [email protected] for Zoom links Other News: Ash Wednesday - The Willow Creek Church in Argyle is having several events this Wednesday. At 8:30 am and 4:30 PM there is a drive-through to get marked with ashes on your forehead. This is a symbol of repentance and devotion to God. Their sanctuary and fellowship hall with a labyrinth are open all day from 8:30 am to 5:30 PM to stop in and pray. At 6 PM there is an Ash Wednesday worship service. They have graciously invited us to come to any or all of these. We typically do not have an Ash Wednesday service, so if you are looking for one, head to the Argyle church. Communion Sunday - We will once again have each person provide their own communion elements whether in person at the church or via Zoom. If you wish to participate, please have your own ready. Covid - The mask mandate has been lifted, but we still want to stay safe and healthy. Let's practice safety protocols when possible. That may mean some will still wear masks. Let's always respect everyone's choices. Refreshments - Coffee is on every Sunday. Stop in the fellowship room after the service. Usually, there are some simple treats to go with the coffee. Consider bringing something some Sunday! Everyone loves a good treat. Offering - We will continue to have the offering plate at the back of the sanctuary for those attending in person. If you are joining by Zoom, please continue to mail to Nathalie Lyford. Thanks! Fasting During Lent - Fast from hurting words and say KIND words. Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude. Fast from anger and be filled with PATIENCE. Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope. Fast from worries and have trust in God. Fast complaints and contemplate simplicity. Fast from pressures and be prayerful. Fast from bitterness and fill your hearts with joy. Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others. Fast from grudges and be reconciled. Fast from words and be silent, so you can listen. (Pope Francis) Looking Ahead: Cleaning Day - We have not had an all-church cleaning day since before the pandemic! We might try to do one in April, stay tuned for further details. Maunday Thursday - April 14 Service - 7 PM - Possible soup supper prior to the service. Again stay tuned for further details. Easter Sunday - April 17 - Glorious day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. We hope all can attend in person! |
AuthorGary Schwerin, pastor Archives
February 2025
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