Friends -
I am more convinced than ever that most of us have too much on our plates. I certainly did at the potluck on the 25th! But that is not what I'm talking about... I mean, of course, that we all tend towards busyness, towards doing more than we can handle, towards neglecting our own souls in the process. We tend not to listen to God as well as we should, if at all. In the struggle between being Mary or Martha, many of us end up being Martha, even if we don't want to. Life does that. We want to do our part. We want to make a difference. We want to help those we can. All noble thoughts, and all worth pursuing. Just not to the point that we have nothing left to give. Not until it makes us brittle or cranky. Not if it means neglecting Jesus. I can be so busy doing what I am convinced God wants me to do, that I can't hear him invite me to come and rest. He is inviting. And we do need the rest. I've already talked about this, so I'll stop. But please!! For your own well-being, and to make Jesus smile, start to build more stillness into your life. You will find you can do far more when you are rested than when you are not. And we all know how much there is to do. Love you all! Gary Calendar Sundays - Every Sunday - God's Attributes as Displayed in Nature class - 9:15 am - church basement. - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person and via Zoom. 10/2 - Communion Sunday Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom - 7:30 PM - via Zoom Thursdays - 10/6 - Church Board for October via Zoom - 7:00 PM - via Zoom Contact Gary [email protected] for Zoom links Fridays - 10/14 - New Date! Third Annual Chili Cook-off and Dessert Bake-off Event - 5:30 PM - Details below. Other News - Communion - Communion will be on Sunday, October 2. If you are attending in person the elements will be provided. If you are on Zoom and want to participate, please have your own ready. Sunday Morning Class - There are still 6 sessions left of the series being offered on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. Plan on attending God's Attributes as Displayed in Nature in the church basement. Al Steely, a science teacher at Christian Life and a photographer is leading the program. Everyone is welcome! Third Annual Chili Cook-off and New this year...Dessert Bake-Off - Please note the new date! It is time for some good food and fun competition! Make plans to come on Friday, October 14 at 5:30 PM outside at the church. There is a sign-up sheet for the chili and baking competition in the fellowship room. If you don't want to compete, there is plenty of other things you can sign up to bring. Bring your own lawn chair and your appetite! We will have a bonfire as well. If the weather doesn't cooperate we will move into the church basement. Thanks - Thank you to everyone who helped in some way while Gary and Jennifer were away in August and September, and there were a lot of you! We appreciate everyone who pitched in in some way. Special thanks for the wonderful potluck held on September 25th! It was a great way to be welcomed back. Garden - Hard to believe that summer is over and it is time to think about clearing out the garden area. If anyone is interested in helping do that towards the end of the month, please talk, text, or email Jennifer. |
AuthorGary Schwerin, pastor Archives
February 2025
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