May reminds us that our spiritual lives- in fact, life itself- is a matter of choices. May vs. must. We may believe in God, we may choose to follow him, or we may choose not to. Every call to spiritual growth begins with "if"- "If anyone comes to me..." Jesus (Luke 14:6). God never forces himself on anyone. It is a matter of choice.
So in this month of showers and flowers and opening doors and windows, of opening opportunities and the soon coming of summer, be wise in how you choose.
If you are you may find yourself blessed beyond your wildest imagination!
Have a great month!
May 2017 Calendar
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship - 10:30 am
5/7 - Communion Sunday
- Packaging of Little Dresses for Africa - stay after the service and help get these
dresses packed.
5/14 - Mother's Day - no refreshments today.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday:
Explorers - 5-6 PM - Children's program for ages 6 and up. Church Basement.
Sanctuary open for prayer and reflection - 5:30 - 8 PM.
Bible Study - 6:30 - 8 PM - Fellowship Room - Studying unique chapters of the Bible.
Thursdays - 5/4 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
5/11 - New Women's Group - 9:30 am at Hearth Rock Café in Rockford - details below.
5/25 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - See Sandy Free for details.
Saturdays - 4/29 - Spring Cleaning at the church - 9 -12 noon. Everyone's help is needed!
5/6 - Men's Breakfast - The first Saturday of the month, guys are invited to Pat's Café
for breakfast at 8:30 am.
5/6 - Walter and Cassie's Wedding - 2:30 PM
Other News:
Spring Cleaning - Let's close out the month of April by cleaning the church on Saturday April 29 from 9 am - 12 noon. Weather permitting we will clean outside as well as cleaning inside of the church. Let's work together to keep our beautiful church looking that way.
Thanks - Thanks to everyone who brought food for our Maundy Thursday supper. It was a great meal, so thanks!
Wedding Invitation - Walter and Cassie would love to extend an open invitation to anyone who would like to join them in good fellowship celebrating their coming together in Christ at their wedding/reception on May 6th at 2:30 PM at Caledonia Congregational Church.
Wedding Help - Please talk to Walter or Cassie if you might be willing to help the day of their wedding. They could use help in the morning with the set up for the reception and in the afternoon with the reception.
Little Dresses for Africa - We will be packaging the dresses after church on Sunday May 7. Anyone who wants to, is encouraged to continue sewing until that date. Just be sure to get the dresses to church by May 7.
Women's Group - A new women's group is still in it's formation stage. Our first project has been the Little Dresses for Africa. We are planning a business meeting on Thursday May 11. We will meet at 9:30 am at the Hearth Rock Café inside of Benson Stone in Rockford. Come for coffee or something off their simple breakfast menu. We will enjoy some fellowship and continue our discussion of what this group will be. Please RSVP to Judy Murphy by May 10th. Also let her know if you want to carpool when you RSVP.
Upper Room Recycling - Consider bringing your old Upper Rooms to donate to the food pantry. Drop them in the blue barrel. People are happy to get them regardless of the dates on them.
Greeters - Please consider taking a turn to greet and hand out bulletins on Sunday morning. Talk to Ginny Johnson if you would be willing to do this.
Looking Ahead - Plans are being made for our 2nd annual Progressive Farm Dinner for the summer. Stay tuned for details.