Every year, on the first Sunday in October, certain Christian Churches celebrate World Communion Sunday. A noble if ironic effort by some to say that we are one in Christ.
Noble because it sometimes seems a lost cause, to get anyone to earnestly seek to find common ground between different groups of Christians.
Ironic, because communion- or whatever folks call it in their fellowship- is often the cause of much controversy and divisiveness between us. Is it just a memorial meal, or is Jesus really present? Should we celebrate every time we get together, or once a month or once a year?
Paul writes to the Romans that, "...he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destoroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility..." He went to the cross, not just to save us individually from our sins, but to save us collectively fro the agony of loneliness. He came to make us one. To make us a family.
The fact is, according to Jesus, and echoed by Paul, that we ARE one- as followers of Jesus. Whether we like it or not. We may squabble as brothers and sisters do, but we are all in the same family.
Given all the trouble in the world, I'd suggest that it's high time to set aside our differences and find our common ground in Him. Let's go out of our way to build unity in His family, across whatever might divide us, and let's celebrate his life, death, and resurrection every chance we get!
Love you all!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship is at 10:30 am
10/1 - Communion Sunday
10/8 - Part 2- Stump the Pastor Sunday
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday:
Sanctuary open for prayer and reflection - 6:30 - 8 PM
Bible Study - 6:30 - 8 PM - Fellowship Room
Thursdays - Every Thursday: Explorers - 5-6 PM - Children's Program in the church basement.
10/12 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room
10/26 - Community Dinner -5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church
- see Sandy Free for information.
Other News:
Thanks - Thanks to everyone who donated money and/or goods to our Hurricane Harvey drive.
Congratulations - Congratulations and blessings to John and Sarah Deutinger who were married on September 3.
Sunday Treats - Be sure to stay for our fellowship time after our worship service. It is a great time to connect with old friends and to meet new people! We try to have some light snacks each week. We need your help in providing those treats. There is a sign up sheet in the fellowship room. Talk to Jennifer if you have questions.