What motivates you to do the things you do? What keeps you from doing other things? Do you ever wish you made better choices? I'm only asking because I wrestle with all of these from time to time. Many times the things I hardly value at all seem to take first place in my life. Why is that? What can I/we do about that? On Sunday mornings we are asking the question: what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? How do I learn to follow him so that I become all he intends? Part of the answer is this: we need discipline. I won't become a better guitarist by just thinking about it and wishing it were so. I have to work on it- regularly, faithfully. I have to learn from those that are better. That principle is true for every area of our lives. It is true for our spiritual lives as well. If we are willing to do the disciplines, we can grow our spiritual lives in wonderful ways. That's why we're talking about those disciplines on Sunday mornings. But hearing a message won't do it. We need to do the work- regularly, faithfully. The question is, will we? Here's hoping we will! And praying this is a summer of great growth for you! Gary Calendar Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service 10:30 am in person and via Zoom. 6/5 - Communion Sunday 6/19 - Baptism of Lillian Deutinger, daughter of Johny and Sarah Deutinger Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom -7:30 PM Thursdays - 6/2 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM Contact Gary at [email protected] for Zoom links Other News - Communion - Communion Sunday is June 5. if you are attending in person, the elements will be served. If you are attending via Zoom, have your own ready if you wish to participate. Outdoor Worship - When the weather cooperates this summer, we will occasionally worship outside under the oaks. We hope everyone who is able can join us. It's so lovely out there, and our sense of community is unsurpassed. We will send out an email by the Friday before to let you know that we will be outdoors. On those Sundays, it is always nice to have a few people come early to help set up. Offering - There are two options for your offering: mail to Nathalie Lyford or the offering plate at the back of the church on Sunday mornings. Garden - We have a beautiful garden area in front of the church. Unfortunately, it does not self weed and sometimes doesn't get enough rain. So this year we are looking for people to pick a month and oversee the garden for that month. It would also require some deadheading occasionally and cutting back in the fall. Please talk to Jennifer if you would like to be a part of the garden gang! We really could use some help to keep the front of our church looking its best. Thanks to Bob and Nathalie who always provide the lovely flower pots on the steps. Thanks to Jill Gray for planting hostas around the shed. Compassion International - Britni Zick gave a presentation about sponsoring a child through Compassion International. If you missed it or want to sponsor a child, there is information out in the fellowship room. This is a wonderful way to make a difference in a child's life. Congratulations - Stephanie Taylor graduated from Belvidere North High School. The Chosen - The Chosen is a fabulous series about the life of Jesus. There are 2 seasons so far, with the hope to have 5 more seasons. It is a very realistic and beautiful portrayal of Jesus and his disciples. It is available to stream for free at Season 1 is also available for free on Amazon Prime. At this point on Prime, season 2 is available for payment. The Rockford Public library has both seasons on DVD to check out. Perhaps other libraries do as well. |
AuthorGary Schwerin, pastor Archives
February 2025
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