I know this is a monthly newsletter. But today I want to focus on just one day. This day...
This day. A gift. A treasure. The only one like it I will ever get. An invitation to adventure. It will go as it came- simply, innocuously. Unnoticed and underappreciated by most. Affirmed and appreciated by the handful who are awake enough to see and comprehend the beauty, the power, the ache of wonder.
This day is no accident. It was created by a loving hand, a loving heart, an Artist's soul. I may be buffeted or left alone, but as I am able, I will embrace it. Savor it. Applaud it. Jump into it and live. I can list what it has brought thus far: a heron; a heartfelt talk with a dear friend; laughter; lessons; a beer on the porch. I don't know what it is yet to bring. I do know that I do not want to miss it.
I must wait in readiness. I do...
How about you?
Have a great month... one day at a time.
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10;30 a.m. in person and via Zoom.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study - 7 PM - via Zoom.
Contact Gary at [email protected] for Zoom links
Other News -
Upper Room Devotionals - The September/October Upper Rooms are available in the church. Be sure to pick one up and use it for part of your home devotional reading.
September Project - We would like to collect items for Rock House Kids in Rockford in the month of September. Their wish list for this month includes the following: lotions, capri sun drinks, individually wrapped desserts, blankets (light to heavyweight), and paper plates with 3-5 compartments. Rock House Kids is a ministry that seeks to feed at-risk children physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Gary recently toured their building and was very impressed with the work they do. Our church has supported them many times over the years. Any donation can be put in the bin in the fellowship room.
Thanks - Thank you to everyone who donated school supplies in the month of August. They have been delivered to the Salvation Army in Belvidere. They will be used for low-income students.
Thank you to Ginny Johnson for hosting our August outdoor worship and picnic. It was a great time!
Bench - Have you seen the new bench in the front of the church in the little garden area? Thanks to the family of Lois Murphy for providing such a wonderful memorial to Lois.
Prayers - Our prayers and sympathy to Kim Ball whose mother, Gladys Teslik passed away in August. Gladys was a dear woman. Gary and I first met her when we moved to town in 1983!
Please keep Sara Akerlund in prayer as she broke her ankle this week.
Please continue to pray for Gary's mom, Maxine, as she recovers from her toe amputation surgery.
Congratulations - Tahelo Boezem recently received his Green Card! This allows him the authority to live and work in the US on a permanent basis. Welcome Tahelo!
Looking Ahead -
Charity Blanket Challenge - There are two months left to work on crocheting or knitting squares for a blanket for charity. Please talk to Jessica Boezem if interested in this project.
Coin Collection - The final coin collection of the year will be the last Sunday, December 31. These funds are used towards our benevolence fund.