The start of school reminds me of an old favorite practice from my elementary school days out on the wind-swept plains of South Dakota. I bet some of you remember it, too. We called it "show and tell". Do they still do this in schools today? We got to bring something that was significant to us- a rock, a picture, a summer souvenir- and show it to our classmates and then tell them why it was special to us. As a shy kid with some speech impediments, I sometimes didn't look forward to my turn. But I loved hearing from my friends, occasionally loved getting my turn to tell my story, and loved the concept. And I love it still.
It occurs to me that this is what we are instructed to do with our faith: first show it by our lives, then tell it to those who will listen. Peter writes: "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an account for the hope you have within you- but do it with gentleness and reverence." (1 Peter 3:15). If we daily make Jesus Lord of our hearts and minds, our speech, attitude, and actions will give evidence to others of his presence in our lives. That's the show. And then we need to be ready to give a clear and succinct statement of the hope we have in Him- that's the tell.
So how are you at show and tell? We could probably all use a little practice. When you think of the amazing treasure we carry, it's hard to imagine anyone who wouldn't eventually love to hear about it. And every day we will get opportunity.
What are you bringing to show and tell?
Sunday September 6 - Worship Service with Communion - 10:30 am.
- Deacons meeting after worship
Wednesday September 9 - Adult Bible Study - 5:45 Potluck and 6:45 Study. New study of the Gospel of Mark
begins. Meets at Steve and Lynn Barrick's home. Meets every Wednesday.
Thursday September 10 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Church Fellowship Room
Sunday September 13 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - New study begins today. Studying The Allure of Gentleness
by Dallas Willard. Please bring your own book.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am - Hills providing music today.
- All Church Picnic and Ice Cream Social - Outside under the oaks right after church. Lunch
provided. Plan on coming and enjoying a great time together! More info below.
- Brainstorming Meeting - Some folks are interest in the possibility of doing a church dinner or
breakfast for the public. Anyone who is interested in this idea, plan on meeting after we are done
eating. Bring your ideas and calendar with you.
Thursday September 17 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - We would love to have you help serve or come to eat and mingle with the other guests. Great way to reach out to others.
Sunday September 20 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am.
Sunday September 27 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am.
Study/Growth Opportunities
Sunday Mornings - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement - Plan on coming to this new class starting September 13. The class will be studying The Allure of Gentleness by Dallas Willard. Becky Brauer will be leading this class. Must purchase your own book.
Wednesday Night - Adult Bible Study - Steve and Lynn Barrick's home - Just starting to study the book of Mark. A potluck starts at 5:45 PM and the study is at 6:45 PM.
Service Opportunities
Picnic and Pie Social - Would you be willing to make a pie? Or do you make homemade ice cream? Please talk to Jennifer if you would be willing to help in some way. More info is below.
Refreshments - Consider taking a turn and bringing some simple treats for our fellowship time on Sundays.
Greeters - Get to church a little early and be our greeter for that day. It is fun to be able to greet everyone!
Community Dinner - Talk to Sandy Free about this opportunity to help.
Other News
All Church Picnic and Ice Cream Social - Join us for our annual picnic on Sunday September 13. The fabulous pulled pork will be served along with beans, coleslaw and chips. We will top off our meal with pie and homemade ice cream this year!! Please see Jennifer if you can make a pie or homemade ice cream. The picnic will be immediately after church outside under the oaks.
Brainstorming Meeting - A meeting to discuss the idea of doing a church dinner or breakfast will be held right after the picnic. A few people have shown interest and want to get together with others who may be interested.
Women of Hope Gathering - Thursday September 24, the Rockford Rescue Mission is hosting an event for women featuring Billy Graham's daughter, Ruth Graham. It is at 7 PM at First Free Church in Rockford. The cost is $20 and an offering will also be taken. See the poster at church or talk to Angela Green.
Finances - You should know that this congregation is and has always been very generous when it comes to immediate needs near and far. That is such good news! We should be generous... God has been so generous to us! Where we don't shine quite to well is in giving to the general up keep and operation of the church. It isn't so immediate nor so satisfying- but the truth is, we do need to pay the bills. We are currently behind in our giving to operations. A little more giving by each of us could easily erase this. Please prayerfully consider your giving to the congregation.