Isn't it ironic that in a nation so flooded with material and other blessings, we set aside only one day a year to offer thanks for those blessings? How about a week? A month? A quarter? The whole year?
It's even more ironic that most of us spend almost no time on that one day actually giving thanks. We spend it watching parades or sports, or stuffing our faces, or increasingly, rushing off to buy more stuff that we are also not thankful for.
What if we were truly thankful every day? What if we didn't need a day to remind us? What if we were content and joyful with what we have? What if we recognized the loving hand of our dear Father in all the blessings we receive, without having to continually beg for more?
Here's an idea (not mine, but I use it)- how about we start a written list of everything we are thankful for? And not just write them down but offer thanks as they come to mind. And then on Thanksgiving day, we could exchange lists, share them with each other, and explain why we are grateful for those things. Here are a few off of my list: a good nap with a cat; new friends; a walk at dusk through my neighborhood; children at play, and moonlight on snow...
Maybe it would take more than a day. Maybe it would take a lifetime...
Thankful for you in my life!
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom - 7 PM
Thursdays - 11/3 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM
11/27 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturdays - 11/5 - Daylight Savings Time ends! Don't forget to set your clocks back 1 hour tonight.
Sundays - Every Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am in person and via Zoom.
11/6 - Last class on God's Attributes as Displayed in Nature - 9:15 am - church basement.
- Communion Sunday during worship.
11/20 - Thanksgiving Worship Service
- Decorate the church for Advent/Christmas after the worship service. Treats to follow.
11/27 - First Sunday in Advent
Contact Gary at [email protected] for Zoom links
Other News -
Communion Sunday - November 2 is communion Sunday. The elements will be provided if you are in attendance, otherwise, if you want to participate on Zoom, please have your own ready.
Sunday Morning Class - There is only one class left on God's Attributes as Displayed in Nature Class. It will be held on Sunday, November 6 at 9:15 am in the basement. If you haven't come to any, you can still come to this last one. Each class is fascinating and Al Steely is incredibly knowledgeable. You will learn a lot!
Thanks - Thanks to the trustees for all their work outside the church in preparation for the new steps. It looks so fresh and open! Thanks!
Fellowship Time - Just a reminder that we have coffee every week after our worship service. There is usually something to go with that. We are always looking for more options, so feel free to bring something occasionally. It is a great time to talk and get to know each other.
Offering - We continue to collect our offering at the back of the sanctuary. Otherwise please mail it to Nathalie Lyford. Thanks!
Decorating for Advent/Christmas- We will decorate for Advent/Christmas after worship on Sunday, November 20. Please plan on staying to help. Treats will be served after the decorating!
Looking Ahead -
December - This month is usually full of wonderful events. Look for plans in the next newsletter. Maybe you have an idea? We will also be bringing our coins for benevolence on December 18th!