What if, instead of reminding ourselves on Thanksgiving to be thankful all the time, we remind ourselves of that right now?
What if we decided as a congregation that we would make gratitude our practice the entire month of November? When we are tempted to grumble or complain, we choose instead to give thanks? That when things don't go as we planned, we choose to trust that God has it all under control, and thank him for that?
What would happen if we intentionally, and intensely, began each day thanking God for as much as we could think of, even before we have our coffee or breakfast?
Does this sound nuts to you? Well, thanksgiving brings us into the presence of God (Psalm 100:4). When we are in his presence, we have direct access to him and all he offers. Thanksgiving is not just a good rule to be polite. Thanksgiving is a radical act, refusing to let all the cynicism and darkness of the world shape our thoughts and our hearts.
Thanksgiving will shape us... and our world. Try it!
Saturdays - 11/3 - Set your clocks back 1 hour tonight! Daylight savings time ends!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30 am.
11/4 - Communion Sunday - light lunch in basement after church.
11/11 - Fall Harvest Potluck - Church Basement - right after church.
11/18 - Thanksgiving Worship Service
11/25 - Decorate the church for Christmas during fellowship hour.
Tuesdays - 11/6 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room - new day for this month only.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday: Bible Study - 7-8:30 PM - Fellowship Room.
Other News:
Socktober - Thanks to everyone who helped out in so many ways, our Socktober was a huge success! Our sock drawer was overflowing! We collected over 302 pairs of socks for veterans! We continue to ask God to bless the people who will receive those socks. Our Socktoberfest potluck was also a success. It was a delicious meal eaten on beautifully decorated tables. Special thanks to Joyce Lowecke for the Socktober idea and for Judy Murphy being on the point to make it happen.
Lunch - Enjoy a light lunch after church this coming Sunday, November 4. Served in the basement. Thanks Leslie and Judy!
Fall Harvest Potluck - Please stay after church on Sunday, November 11 for a delicious turkey dinner potluck. There is a sign up sheet to help bring the side dishes. Or you can call Nikki at 815 - 979-3641 or email her at [email protected] to do the same thing. Let's gather and be thankful together! And enjoy a fabulous meal. We thank the board for organizing this!
Decorating for Christmas - Plan on staying after church on Sunday, November 25 to help decorate the church for Advent and Christmas. Advent starts December 2.
Rada Cutlery - Looking for Christmas gifts? Another order for Rada Cutlery will be sent in late November. Catalogs are available in the fellowship room. Orders can be placed starting this Sunday November 4 and through Sunday November 18. Talk to Leslie Quiggle if interested.
Looking Ahead:
Congregational Meeting - Plan on staying after church on Sunday, December 2 for a brief congregational meeting. Decisions about the church budget will be discussed. Everyone is encouraged to stay.
Save Your Change - Next collection of loose change for benevolence is Sunday December 30.