When you get a chance, be sure to thank Chance and Connor Green for helping me clean out the stair wells last Saturday on clean up day. They worked hard and really made a difference! Then we tackled the window wells and Ryland joined us- pulled out all the leaves and muck, AND- at Chance's insistence- cleaned the windows as well! I don't want you to think Sam was slacking off- he was inside all day with Tim Murphy cleaning the wood and making the church shine!
And of course, there was a small army of adults hard at work, at all kinds of assignments, working together to improve the state of our meeting house and grounds. We ended with a great meal thanks to Bob and Nathalie, and I think we all went home satisfied and with a job well done and a renewed sense of community.
Our next shot at achieving the same goal is coming up fast- the all-church garage sale is May 15 and 16 at the Frakers, beginning with set-up at 3pm the afternoon of the 14th. A chance to work together, to build friendships and community together, and to do something about those wells. Not stair wells or window wells this time, but a chance to raise money for a fresh water well for people who have no fresh water. Just the thought of not having fresh water motivates me to do what I can.
There is a lot of information about this event below. Please consider joining in and making this a great day! Together, we can make a huge difference in the world!
PS The map of the village is done and in the office. Now we need people to sign up to pray for the people! Anyone can! And if you live outside the village, don't forget to be praying for your own neighbors, too! Talk about making a huge difference!
Sunday May 3 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement - Studying: We Make the Road by Walking.
- Worship Service with Communion - 10:30 am
- Youth Group - 5-7 PM -Church Basement - 6th-12th grade.
Thursday May 7 - National Day of Prayer - Take time to pray for our country today!
Sunday May 10 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement
- Worship Service - 10:30 am - Hill Family providing music.
- Happy Mother's Day!
Thursday May 14 - Garage Sale Set Up - 3 PM - Meet at the church to load up, then head to Frakers.
Friday May 15 - Garage Sale - 8 am - 5 PM - Well Fundraiser - Stop by the Frakers to help or shop!
Saturday May 16 - Garage Sale - 8 am - 3 PM - Our Well Fundraiser continues today. Bring friends!
Sunday May 17 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement
- Worship Service - 10:30 am
- Youth Group - 5-7 PM - Church Basement - 6th-12th grade.
Thursday May 21 - Community Dinner at Poplar Grove Church - Our church is responsible for tonight.
Please come to eat and/or serve. Get to know others in the community. 5:30 PM
- Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Church Fellowship Room - Please note that this is a different date than the board
normally meets.
Sunday May 24 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement
- Worship Service - 10:30 am - Hill Family providing music.
- Global Day of Prayer - Remember to pray for our world.
Sunday May 31 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement
- Worship Service - 10:30 am
- Youth Group - 5-7 PM Church Basement - 6th-12th grade.
Sundays - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement - Talk to Janet Fraker if interested.
- Youth Group - 5-7 PM - Church Basement - Open to all 6th-12th graders. Talk to Steve.
Wednesdays - Potluck and Bible Study - 6 PM - Barrick's Home - Studying: Love Does by Bob Goff.
Saturdays - Men's Study - 8:30 am - Dandy Donuts - Studying: We Make the Road by Walking.
Greeters and Refreshments - Both important to Sunday mornings, please consider signing up!
Blue Barrel - Share food and/or paper products with the food pantry. Located in the fellowship room.
Pregnancy Care Center - Clothes basket in the fellowship room is waiting to be filled with baby items.
Garage Sale - This month we would really like to push for your help with the garage sale. Many of you voted at the annual meeting for this well, so please come and do your part. More info below.
Community Dinner - Please talk to Sandy Free about this great chance to serve in some capacity.
ALL CHURCH GARAGE SALE - We are still seeking your donations for the garage sale. Your items can be brought to the church basement. Please price your items, unless it is clothing. Clothing should be on hangers if possible. We would also like to sell perennial plants, so divide up some of your garden plants for us to sell. We want to sell baked goods, so consider baking for our sale.
We will have flyers for you this Sunday. Put one on your car, hang it up at work, give to friends and family or put up anywhere that will help us advertise.
Lots of spots left to work, so please sign up to help! We are all in this together, so let's work together and make it a big success!
We could use bags and clean packaging/wrapping paper to help bag people's purchases. We could also use some hangers. Please bring to the church or to the sale.
If you have items to donate, but just can't get them priced, please just let us know and we can help.
Please make time for this event, so we can give the gift of clean water to people in need!
June 5 - Movie Night is back! 6 PM at church. Supper provided. Invite neighbors, friends, family to come and watch How to Train Your Dragon. Also need lots of help that night. Talk to Nikki Fowler if you can help.