One of the most certain things we can say about life is that everything is always changing. The transition from one season to the next. Babies that become children then youth then young adults, and then have babies of their own. Try to think of something that isn't affected by change. It doesn't exist.
Some of us are better with that truth than others. Many of us resist change in any number of ways. We want it to be like it was. We are comfortable with the status quo. Jesus talking about this phenomenon uses wine as a metaphor, saying we prefer the old to the new. But he wants to fill us with new wine.
In fact, sorry to tell you, but God is often- if not always- the author of change. Only he calls it transformation. Paul writes "If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation- old things are passed away- all things are made new."
Here's the good news. While the world and we ourselves and our circumstances will go on changing, God does not. Even though he is wildly creative and transforming us and our world all the time, he remains who he is: loving, caring, powerful, understanding, good, and everything else you can think of that is positive. Sometimes God uses blessings. Sometimes he uses hard trials. But his intention is the same: to transform us into his image and give us a rich and abundant life.
I invite you to learn to embrace change. It is an act of faith. Trust the Artist to make you into something beautiful.
Have a great month!
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom - 7 PM - Zoom
- 5/1 - 2 PM - Prayer time in the sanctuary - open to all
- 5/15 - 9:30 am - Coffee and fellowship for all women at church.
Thursdays - 5/2 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM - Zoom
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person or via Zoom.
5/5 - Worship Service and Communion Sunday
- Potluck downstairs immediately following worship
Zoom - contact Gary at [email protected] for Zoom link.
Other News -
Communion - We will share communion on Sunday, May 5 during worship. Just a reminder that we do offer the option of gluten-free bread. And our "wine" is grape juice. If you attend via Zoom and want to participate, please have your elements ready.
South of the Border Fiesta Potluck - Please stay after worship this coming Sunday, May 5 for a potluck lunch on Cinco De Mayo Day. Bring your favorite South of the Border foods to share with everyone. Or feel free to bring any kind of food you like. There will even be a photo booth for pictures! This is another great time to get to know each other better and enjoy fabulous food. Hope to see you there. If you don't have time to make something, feel free to come anyway.
Women's Coffee - There never seems to be enough time on Sunday mornings to visit with each other. So we are planning a coffee time for all the women in the church on Wednesday, May 15 at 9:30 am. Informal and casual, just a chance to relax and catch up. Please talk to or text Jennifer at 815-721-7406 to let her know if you are coming by May 13. That way we will know how much coffee to make and how many baked goods to have.
Upper Room Devotionals - Be sure to pick up your May/June Upper Rooms now out at church.
Thanks to so many of you who came out to clean the church in April. We had a nice big group and much was accomplished. Thanks to Tim for the donuts and Karen for the egg dish!
Prayer We want to remind you that there are members of the congregation eager and willing to pray for any concerns you might have. Just put those concerns in the prayer box in the sanctuary, or let Gary or one of the deacons know. (Judy, Barb, or Mike) The deacons and others are gathering somewhat regularly to pray for people and circumstances that need prayer. We'll let you know when we gather. Our first one for this month is today, May 1 at 2 PM. You are welcome to join us in prayer, or come and have us pray for you.