Life is full of choices isn't it? Everyday we are inundated by choices we have to make. Some are pretty simple but others can be life changing. What am I going to wear today? What am I going to eat today? What am I going to do today? Where am I going today? Where am I going in my life? What career should I be in? When should I retire? Is it time to move? In this day and age we also have many more choices because of technology. The choices of television channels is amazing. Choices on the Internet are astronomical. How do you choose what kind of phone or computer or tablet to get? How should I get a hold of you? Should I text you, email you, call you at home, call you on your cell phone? All these choices can really make our lives complicated.
Today I want you to think about another choice you can make in your life. I just printed and framed a quote that says, "Choose Faith Over Worry". We probably all face this choice at some point every day. So much of the time, we choose worry. That choice does not really accomplish much. I read that worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere. Our own lives can be full of trials and troubles and the world is bursting with troubles. We think we have reason to worry, but a better choice is choosing faith. Faith in a God who loves us and has not abandoned us or the world. He sees the whole picture and he knows what is best. Choosing worry seems to say that we don't trust God enough to handle the situations we face.
Are you worried about your health? your job? your money? your family? your marriage? your future? our church? Take it to the Lord and choose faith instead! Chapter 6 of the book of Matthew has lots to say about worry. Mostly it says not to! It also tells us to seek his kingdom instead or I would say to choose his kingdom instead. With all the other choices we have to make each day, let's keep at least one of them simple. When faced with the choice of worry or faith, let's make it our goal to choose faith!
Gary and I are so glad to be back from our busy travels of May and are looking forward to worshipping with you!
Friday June 5 - Cookout/Movie Night - 6 PM - Church Lawn - Invite friends, family and neighbors. Bring chairs.
Sunday June 7 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement - Talk to Janet Fraker if interested.
- Worship Service with Communion - 10:30 am - Hill Family providing music.
Thursday June 11 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Church Fellowship Room.
Sunday June 14 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am.
- Youth Group - 5-7 PM - Church Basement - 6th -12th grade.
Thursday June 18 - Community Dinner at Poplar Grove Church - 5:30 PM - Please come to eat and/or serve.
Sunday June 21 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am.
Sunday June 28 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am.
- Youth Group - 5-7 PM - Church Basement - 6th-12th grade.
Sundays - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement - Studying: We Make the Road by Walking.
- Youth Group - 5-7 PM - Every other week - Church Basement - 6th -12th grade welcomed.
Wednesdays - Potluck and Bible Study - 6 PM - Barrick's Home - Studying: Love Does by Bob Goff.
Saturdays - Men's Study - 8:30 am - Dandy Donuts - Studying: We Make the Road by Walking.
Movie Night - Your help is needed to make this night a success. Talk to Nikki Fowler if you can help.
Well Fundraising - We need to continue to raise funds for the well project. Please consider helping in some way. Greeters and Refreshments - Please consider signing up for one of these areas. Needed and appreciated!
Blue Barrel - Hunger takes no breaks, so consider buying some extras for our food barrel.
Community Dinner - Talk to Sandy Free if you would like to be a part of this evening. Especially if you can just to come to eat and mingle with the others who are there eating.
Congratulations- We want to congratulate recent graduates Keegan Morgan, Hannah Foley, and Daniel Bowens! Also congratulations to recent retirees Bob Lyford and Curt Moore! Big congratulations to Brittni Heavin who is marrying Kyle Zick on June 13 under the oaks here at Caledonia Congregational.
Well Update - Our garage sale fundraiser for the well was a huge success! Thanks to all of you who helped in some way. We could not have done it without so much help. We made over $1,300.00. We need to continue to raise funds and are looking for our next idea and a person or committee who would like to see that idea come to fruition.
Book Exchange - The book exchange has it's own book shelf in the basement now! It is empty though, so please start bringing in books and magazines to share with others.