With summer- at least for me- comes the desire to do all of the things that I have not been able to do during the winter. And it is quite a long list! I can get almost frantic trying to do them all!
I won't bore you with my list. I'm sure you have a list of your own. And probably, you are already scrambling to check things off that list. Me too.
As good as those things are, and as much as I enjoy them, there is something that I want even more- I want to make my Abba happy. I happen to believe that he blesses me to enjoy life and to live it to the full. Still, that doesn't mean that everything I want to do or accomplish is necessarily on his list. And if it isn't on his list, I will make myself pretty miserable pursuing whatever it is. See, he knows us best and knows what is best for us.
This isn't a summer thing. It's an everyday of the year thing. It has to do with how I see God: is he longing to give me a rich, full life, or is he a spoilsport, trying to keep me from what I really want to do?
Once I remember that he wants what's best for me, I can relax. I can make my plans. I just hold them loosely, in case he has something better for me. That something better might not look or feel as fun or cool as what I planned. But he sees the big picture. I see only a little piece.
Here's praying for a rich, full, joy-full, wonder-full summer for us all, letting God lead us into the adventures he has planned.
June Calendar
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person or via Zoom.
6/2 - Worship Service and Communion
6/16 - Worship Service outside under the oaks.
6/30 - Raindate for worship under the oaks.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study viz Zoom - 7 PM - Zoom
Thursdays - 6/6 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM - Zoom
Zoom - Contact Gary at [email protected] for Zoom link.
Other News -
Communion - Communion Sunday is June 2. We do offer a gluten-free option for those who want that. And our "wine" is grape juice. If you attend via Zoom, please have your elements ready if you wish to participate.
Dance Recital - Jazmine Boezem has a dance recital on Saturday, June 8 at 11 am. Please see the bulletin board in the fellowship room for more information and the link to get tickets.
Outdoor Service - On Sunday, June 16, we will worship outside under the oaks. If the weather does not cooperate, we will plan Sunday, June 30 as an alternative. We are so blessed to have such a lovely area to be outside occasionally. It requires a little more work, so help is always appreciated on those mornings.
Flowers for the Altar - We would love for anyone to share flowers from their garden for our Sunday morning worship services. Feel free to bring a vase of flowers and place it in the front of the church on any Sunday!
Sunday Morning Fellowship Time - We continue to offer coffee and some kind of treat every week for those who wish to fellowship over some refreshments. But our freezer is pretty empty of treats. We would love it if anyone would like to bring something to share. If we don't need it that day, we can put it in the freezer.
Looking Ahead -
Firestation Chicken Barbeque - Sunday, July 28. Great way to support our local fire station. More details next month.