It has been a most interesting couple of weeks. Thanks to all of you who have prayed, sent cards, stopped over, brought food. You guys are the best!
I have not been nearly so handicapped as you might imagine. After only one night, I was given permission to sleep on my right side, not just my belly. That helped tremendously. And a week later, I was given permission to stand upright, and not have to always face the floor. That was even better! When I was still looking down, and people came to the door, I had to say, "How nice not to see you!" And now I can sleep on my left side, and read and write, and go for slow walks. Life is good!
My eye actually is incidental to what is really going on, I think. I think God is getting me to pay closer attention to him, to slow down, to be still, to listen. And I have. I has been pretty amazing. As Tim would say, "Oh Baby!"
I am learning things and relearning things. I am being stretched in all kinds of directions. I am learning to savor the simple and the moment by moment. I know many of you may have been concerned that I would find it hard to slow down from a pretty busy pace. Actually, it has been great, and I am now concerned that I not lose what God has been showing me as I get back to what has been considered "normal". If fact, I am praying that God would point me to a new normal, one that helps me to act more in line with all he is showing me. Please pray with me for that.
As you may expect, Jennifer has been amazing through this- doing her work, doing my work, nursing me, reminding me of doctors orders, being her usual wonderful self. I can't thank her enough.
This Sunday, I will be with you again. I suppose I should be working on a sermon! Better get to it!
Thanks again!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30 am.
6/3 - Communion Sunday
- Treasure Sale and Pirate Potluck immediately after worship. See below for more info.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday - Bible Study - 6:30 PM. Fellowship Room.
Thursdays - 6/7 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
6/28 - Community Dinner served at Poplar Grove Church - 5:30 PM. All welcome to come.
Saturdays - 6/9 - Ryland's Graduation Party - 1 PM - Green's home. See info below.
Other News:
Thanks - Thanks to SISS and all others involved who made and served lunch to Carpenters Place in May.
Treasure Hunt and Pirate Potluck - Be sure to stay this Sunday, June 3 for the treasure sale and all church potluck. Our potluck will be pirate themed once again. Bring a couple of your favorite pirate foods or any of your favorite potluck foods. There are some great treasures for sale,so be sure to check those out. If you still want to donate like new items for the sale, just be sure they are priced and ready to be sold. Profits from the sale will go to Sisters in Spirit and Service. The sale will continue on June 9.
Invitation - The Green family in inviting everyone to Ryland's high school graduation party on Saturday, June 9 starting at 1 PM. Hope everyone can come and celebrate this milestone with Ryland and his family. The party is at their home across the street from the church. Just look for the chickens and the big garden. Please RSVP if you plan on coming.
Prayer Requests - There is a separate email that is sent out with prayer requests. If you are not currently receiving those and would like to, please let Jennifer know.
Looking Ahead:
5 Day Club - July 9-13 - 1 PM - 2 PM - We will be hosting Child Evangelism Fellowship who will be running their children's program in Caledonia. Talk to Colleen if you have questions.