I love just about everything about summer: the food, the music, the events, the freedom, travel, slower pace, being constantly outdoors- I love it all!
There's only one thing I don't love about summer: its beginning means the days are getting shorter. There is no way to notice it yet, but I assure you it is so. And it is inevitable. We can't move around the sun as we do without the change in daylight hours. It's part of God's amazing plan. I just wish somehow it didn't have to happen...
Like I wish friends didn't have to die. Like I wish I could eat whatever I want and not so easily gain weight. Like I wish I could do whatever I want without negative consequences. It just doesn't work that way. The freedom we always celebrate in this month brings with it the reminder of the cost of that freedom. It's just that way.
So summer days will unfold and all of the adventures they bring... AND they will steadily get shorter. But of course, the day will come when they start getting longer again! I'm better off accepting the rhythm, accepting the changes, and living each day- summer, winter, spring, fall- as fully as I can! Like God intends.
Have a great summer!
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person and via Zoom.
7/3 - Outdoor Worship with Communion
7/10 - Meeting after worship for those that are interested in being baptized on July 17.
7/17 - Service at church and via zoom, then outside potluck and baptisms at Ginny Johnsons.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom - 7:30 PM
Thursdays - 7/7 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM
For Zoom links contact Gary at [email protected]
Other News -
Outdoor Worship - We are planning on outdoor worship under the oaks this Sunday, July 3 at 10:30 am. If the weather cooperates on other Sundays in July we will also try to be outside. We will send out an email by the Friday before to let you know that we will worship outdoors. Bring a chair if you want your own. Also, it is nice to have a few people help set up and take down equipment. This is your notice for Sunday, July 3!
Communion - Communion will be celebrated outdoors this Sunday, July 3. If you are attending in person, the elements will be served. If you are attending on Zoom, please have your own ready if you wish to participate.
Baptism - Are you interested in being baptized outdoors in the creek at Ginny Johnsons? We will be heading there after church for baptisms and a potluck on Sunday, July 17. If you are interested in being baptized, plan on staying briefly for a meeting the week before, July 10. If you have questions, talk to Gary. In June we celebrated two baptisms, Lillian Deutinger and Jazmine Boezem. Please pray for those two little girls to grow up into their faith.
Potluck - We are planning a picnic potluck lunch on the day of the outdoor baptisms, Sunday, July 17. After church, we will head to Ginny Johnson's beautiful farm to eat together and have baptisms in the creek. Bring a simple dish or two to share with everyone. Think simple picnic food! Tableware and drinks provided.
Upper Room Devotionals/Bibles - The July/August devotionals are out at the church. Be sure to pick one up. We also now have free Bibles available to anyone that needs or wants one. They are on the shelf in the entryway along with other free literature.
Garden - Our church garden is looking so lovely! Thanks to Sara Akerlund for tending it in June. We still have some months ahead that need a volunteer to water, weed, and generally oversee the garden and shed area for a month. Please talk to Jennifer if you are interested.
Condolences - We want to continue to offer our sympathy and prayers for the families of Doris Luckey and Lois Murphy. Both of these wonderful 91-year-olds passed away in June. Peace to their memories.
Thanks - So many people pitched in to help in some way with Lois Murphy's funeral Thank you so much to all of you! It was a beautiful day to pay tribute to a beautiful lady! We only had very few participate in the bed building project at the Argyle Church but thanks to those who gave time or money.
Offering - We continue to offer two options for your offering: mail it to Nathalie Lyford or place it in the offering plate at the back of the church (or outside) on Sunday mornings.
Refreshments - Every Sunday there is coffee after church. If you would like something to go with that, consider bringing a treat some week to share with everyone.