Time is a concept that interests me. Is it a circle? A line? Both? Why is it sometimes I seem to have so much of it, and other times, not nearly enough? Why is it that sometimes it seems to just fly by, and other times it crawls?
As we celebrate the coming of a new year, the tendency is to both look-back and to look ahead. Back to see where we have been, and ahead to see, if we can, where we are going. Both are good exercises or can be if properly used. However, looking back can also be an exercise in regret or remorse. And looking ahead can be an exercise in fear or anxiety. Either of those would be non-productive, negative, hurtful. Not what God intends.
Jesus makes it clear that the place to focus our thoughts is this day, this moment (Matthew 6:25-34). Really, it is the only one we have. And the more we learn to live in it, to embrace it, to rejoice in it, the better off we will be.
His advice to us is to not be anxious at all. To put our loyalty to and trust in Him first. Then we can rely on him guiding us, moment by moment and day by day. Since unlike us, God is not bound by time or place, He is the perfect guide for seeing us through our day to day existence.
Let's make it our business to put ourselves fully in his hands as we start the new year. Let's endeavor to see each day, each moment, as the gift and the adventure that it is. He is always with us! We need never be afraid!
Praying for you a great launch into this new year!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30 am.
1/5 - Communion Sunday
1/19 - Annual Meeting and Potluck right after worship. Church basement.
Wednesdays - 1/8 - Bible Study starts back up - 6 PM - Fellowship Room. Will continue to meet every Wednesday for the rest of the month.
Thursdays - 1/9 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
1/23 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - All welcome to eat and/or
Other News:
Annual Meeting and Potluck - Plan on staying for our annual meeting on Sunday, January 19. We will start with a potluck dinner right after our worship service. If possible bring a hot and a cold dish for the potluck. This is an important time to discuss things related to our church. Your thoughts and input are needed! You will receive your minutes from the 2019 meeting via email. Please read and/or bring along to the meeting.
Thanks - Thank you to everyone who brought cookies in the month of December! What a spread we had! Also thanks for the outpouring of money and items for our Christmas gift collection. Special thanks also to the Murphys and Akerlunds for our fellowship times in their homes. Finally a belated thank you to Curt Moore and Bob and Nathalie Lyford for the delicious turkeys they prepared for our Fall Harvest Potluck.
Flowers - Would you like to provide flowers, or a plant, or a candle, or some type of decoration for the front of the church? Consider signing up for a month in 2020. Signup sheet in the fellowship room.
Refreshments - Every week (except annual meeting potluck -Jan 19) we will gather in the fellowship room for snacks and fellowship. What we eat depends on what you bring! No signup sheet, just potluck style each Sunday. Please consider taking a turn occasionally and bringing something to share.
Coordinator Needed - We are looking for a Christmas Eve coordinator for 2020. Please talk to Jennifer if interested.