And so begins a new year, as we mark it.
And what is new? Well, a lot of things. Some we are excited about. Some we dread. Some of us make a pile of promises to make this year better than last. And some of us just wait and see...
Here is a promise that will actually make a difference: determine to put yourself more fully into the arms of the One who says, "Behold, I make all things new!" (Revelation 21:5)
Paul tells us clearly, "If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old is gone. All things have become new!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Frankly, that sounds both pretty good, and kind of scary. Pretty good, because I get tired of things the way they are. And kind of scary, because I don't know what "new" looks like.
Then I remember Who it is who promises to make all things new. How gracious and loving and wonderful He has been to me all my life. And I realize, I have nothing to dread from him! I long to let him make me and make my world new! Yes, Lord! Please!
How about you?
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service - 10:30 am
1/1 - Communion Sunday
1/15 - Annual Meeting and Potluck Lunch following worship service. See more info below.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday:
- Sanctuary open for prayer and reflection - 5:30 - 8 PM
- Explorers - 5:30 PM -6:15 PM - Church Basement - Children 6 years and older are
- Bible Study - 6:30-8 PM - Church Office - topical study.
- Please note new time schedule for Wednesday night events.
Thursdays - 1/5 - Church Board Meeting - 7:30 PM - Church Fellowship Room - time change for
this month.
1/26 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - come to eat and/or serve.
Other News:
Annual Meeting and Potluck - Please plan on attending our church annual meeting on Sunday January 15. We will discuss the past, the present, and the future of the church. Everyone's input is needed and valued. Please bring several dishes to share for our potluck lunch. The lunch is immediately after the worship service and the meeting will follow lunch.
Flowers - Flowers are needed for the front of the sanctuary through out the year. Sign up sheet in the fellowship room. Choose a month and provide some type of flower, plant, candle or decor for that month.
Refreshments - Do you like to stay and enjoy the fellowship time on Sundays? Please consider providing some simple treats occasionally. Sign up sheet in the fellowship room.
Church Directory - Please update your contact information in the fellowship room. Or add information if you want to be included in a new directory.
Hospitals and Home Bound - Please let Gary or the deacons know if you are in the hospital or home bound, and would like a visit.
Thanks - Thank you to everyone who provided cookies on Christmas eve. Very much appreciated by all!