New year. New day. New plans. New vision. New me! New!
"I am making everything new!" Jesus (Revelations 21:5)
This is either very good news, or very bad news, depending upon how we feel about change.
How do you deal with change? Whether facing a new year or a new situation, change is bound to be part of the equation. Jesus' promise to make all things new is a promise to put right what has been made wrong, to fulfill God's intended purpose for people and the world. It is a process that one day will be fulfilled. In the meantime, we learn to live with the business of change.
As we do, it's important to remember that: God is for us; he loves us dearly; he only wants the best for us; he will never leave or forsake us.
All that being true- and I think it is- means we have nothing to worry about! Submit yourself to him, and follow his lead boldly into the bright new year!
Dare to be new! It's what transformation is all about- becoming like him!
What change are you facing this year? Don't face it alone, but confidently and faithfully, with him.
Sunday January 3 - Worship Service with Communion - 10:30 am.
Wednesday January 6 - Adult Bible Study and Potluck starts up again - 5:45 PM - Fraker's home.
Thursday January 7 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
Sunday January 10 - Worship Service - 10:30 am.
- Annual Meeting and Potluck - Church basement after the service.
Sunday January 17 - Adult Sunday School starts again - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am.
Thursday January 21 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - come to serve or eat!
Sunday January 24 - Adult Sunday School - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service with Communion - 10:30 am.
Thursday January 28 - Women's Book Study begins - 1 PM - Judy Murphy's home - See more info below.
Sunday January 31 - Adult Sunday School - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am.
Study/Growth Opportunities
Sundays - Adult Sunday School - 9:15 am - Church Basement -January 17. Talk to Janet Fraker
if interested.
Wednesday Nights - Adult Study and Potluck - 5:45 - Studying the gospel of Mark. Talk to Gary if interested.
Thursdays - Women's Book Study - 1 PM - Judy Murphy's home - We will be studying the book
Having a Mary Spirit by Joanna Weaver. Please order your own book. Financial assistance is available. Talk to Jennifer Schwerin if interested. Starts January 28.
- Alpha for Women - 6:30 PM - Church Basement - talk to Colleen Blaney if interested.
Service Opportunities
Flowers - Sign up sheet in the fellowship room. You will be responsible for the month you choose.
Refreshments - Sign up sheet in the fellowship room. Lots of openings!
Blue Barrel - Please continue to bring food or paper goods for our food pantry barrel.
Community Dinner - Our church is responsible once a month to serve this meal. You are also encouraged to come to eat and mingle with the other folks. Talk to Sandy Free if interested.
Other News
Annual Meeting and Potluck - Please plan on attending this important meeting for our church on Sunday January 10. This is the one time of the year that we gather to talk about the past and the future of our church. Your input in needed and valued. This helps us with the direction of our church. Please bring a dish or two to share at the potluck, which is right after our worship service. The meeting will follow after lunch.
Thanks - Thank you to everyone who helped with the funeral lunch for Mark Maurice's mom. Also thank you to those that brought cookies for Christmas Eve and the Sunday after Christmas. We appreciate you all!