This is NOT the month of Feb-You-Ary. It's the month of Fe-Brew-Ary.
And that reminds us that, as followers of Jesus, we can either brew up trouble, or brew up blessings- the choice is up to us.
See, the choices we make every day are either taking us in the direction of trouble, or in the direction of blessing. What we choose makes all the difference... good choices, good consequences. Bad choices... well, you get the idea.
"...I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." (Paul, writing to the Ephesians (Eph. 4:1-3))
And, speaking of brewing, in that same letter, Paul writes: " Do not get drunk with wine, but rather be filled with the Holy Spirit." (5:18) I think the issue here is bigger than wine. We can "get drunk" on other things as well: pleasure, power, money- anything that takes us over and usurps Gods rightful first place in our lives. The emphasis, I believe, is on the second part of that statement. When you have been filled with the Holy Spirit, you will little want or need to be filled with anything else.
So, what are you brewing up this month? Make sure it's something that's good for you, and for those around you.
Have a great month!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30 am.
1/3 - Communion Sunday
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday - Bible Study - 7 PM - Fellowship Room - Everyone
Thursdays - 2/7 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
2/28 - Community Dinner - Poplar Grove Church - 5:30 PM - Come to serve,
and/or eat.
Saturdays - 2/9 - Southern Breakfast - 8 am - 12 noon - House of God - 840 Brooke Road, Rockford.
Other News:
Southern Breakfast - Some of us are going to a southern breakfast put on at the House of God in Rockford on Saturday, February 9. It is located at 840 Brooke Road. It is a cultural experience you won't want to miss. The menu usually consists of eggs, biscuits and gravy, grits, ham, coffee, juice and probably more. Cost is usually around $10. Talk to Gary if you have questions.
Refreshments - Starting in February we are trying a new approach for our fellowship hour. For now, there will no longer be a refreshment sign-up sheet. Any given Sunday that you feel like bringing a plate of something to share, just bring it. Please consider occasionally bringing something. It can be a plate of cookies or bowl of fruit or cheese and crackers or anything you want! We are not very picky! We are hoping this will simplify things and that more people can participate in this way. Some weeks we may have a lot and maybe some weeks very little. We will always have coffee. Please be patient while we try this new approach and please participate!
Church Board - The board for 2019 consists of Deacons: Barb Kohl and Mark Zellman, Trustees: Curt Moore, Bob Lyford, and Dave Kohl, Communion Helpers: Rita Gillette and Deb Zellman, Financial Secretary: Nathalie Lyford, Treasurer: Dave Walker and Moderator: Pastor Gary.
Coordinator Needed - We are still seeking someone who will coordinate details for Christmas Eve. Please talk to Jennifer if you are interested. Thanks for others who have stepped up to fill the other positions.
Flowers - There are still a few months open for signing up to provide flowers or some type of decoration for the front of the church. Sign up in the fellowship room.
Coin Collection - Our next coin collection for benevolence will be March 31. Thanks for saving your coins!