February is a strange month...
It begins with everyone waiting to see if a fat rodent will emerge from it's den, and if so, see it's shadow or not. And so tell us how much winter we will still have... Really?
And then there's the largest one day sporting event of the year- the Super Bowl. One exuberant national sports broadcaster was recorded (I heard him) as saying, "What else would you rather do on a Sunday?" Really?
And speaking of fat, a week and a half later people go nuts with eating and partying on Fat Tuesday. Gluttony, and who knows what else, gets a pass because the next day begins Lent, when we must begin to behave ourselves. Really?
Then there's Valentine's Day, named for a Bishop of the church known for his generosity and charity and care for the poor. Which we celebrate by giving chocolates, and flowers, and dinners out, and spend significant amount of cash to prove to those we love that we do. Or get them to be romantically interested in us. Really?
And all of this in the shortest month of the year!
I don't mean to be critical of these events. Like most of you, I will probably celebrate them to some extent. I'm just not sure any of them is worthy of the hype and high profile they get. Maybe we will do well to focus on what REALLY matters moment to moment and day to day. Which is, that God loves us. That every day and every one of us matters to him. That every day, every week, every month God is watching out for us, caring for us, and watching for ways to remind us of his presence and his unconditional, all-powerful, and constant love.
Have a great month!
Saturdays - 2/3 - Essential Oil Program - 9:30 am - Church Basement - Sisters in Spirit and Service sponsoring.
Sundays - Every Sunday: 10:30 am - Worship Service.
2/4 - Communion Sunday
2/25 - Hiking after church - weather permitting.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday: Alpha -6:30 PM - Church Basement - video and discussion on Christianity.
2/14 - Ash Wednesday - Lent begins.
Thursdays - Every Thursday: Explorers - Kids program in the basement - 4:30-6PM.
2/1 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
2/22 - Community Dinner - Poplar Grove Church - 5:30 PM. See Sandy Free for details.
Other News:
Refreshments - Please consider providing light refreshments for our fellowship after worship on Sunday mornings. A new sheet for March, April, and May is now out. One Sunday is still open in February. Also a suggestion was made to keep a few baked goods in our church freezer for last minute treats. The next time you bake, set aside some of your baked goods for that purpose. Just be sure to date and mark them. Thank you!
Greeters - If you would like to volunteer to greet people on Sunday morning please talk to Angela Green. She is the new coordinator for greeters. Thanks to Ginny Johnson who was our coordinator for all of last year!
Church Board - The board for 2018 consists of Barb Kohl and Mark Zellman as deacons, Curt Moore, Bill Komerska, and Bob Lyford as trustees, Deb Zellman and Rita Gillette as communion servers, Nikki Maurice as clerk, Nathalie Lyford as financial secretary, and Dave Walker as treasurer. Pastor Gary is the moderator of the board.
Coffee - Did you know that Deb Schroeder has faithfully prepared our coffee for Sunday morning for years? If you like coffee, be sure to tell her you to appreciate it! She has taken on being the coffee coordinator as well and now will be buying all the supplies. Have a request? Talk to her. Thanks to Angela Green for being our coffee coordinator for last year.
Benevolence - Benevolence is the fund we keep for the purpose of helping others - needs like food, shelter, clothing, financial help, etc. If you were at the annual meeting, you know that we divided up the majority of our available benevolence money between several ministries who work to meet these needs. We also kept a portion for needs as they come up this year. We have endeavored as a congregation to give 10 percent of our budget to benevolence. Every year we miss that by quite a bit.
To try to get closer to that goal, we have a couple of ideas. One is education: if you want some or all of your offering to go to benevolence, you need to indicate that, either on your check, or on your envelope (check "Missions"). If you just put money in the plate, it will go to operating funds (which of course is also needed every month). Our second idea is one we have done before. We would like to challenge once again to save your pocket change from now until Easter. Then please bring it to worship on Easter. All the coins gathered that day will go to grow our benevolence funds. We want to continue to be a congregation that cares for the needs of others. Thanks for your participation in that!
Looking Ahead - The Sisters in Spirit and Service will be serving lunch at Carpenter's Place on Tuesday, March 20. More details coming. Talk to Judy Murphy if you are interested in helping.