To what extent would you go to make a point? To convince a doubter? To create change?
I suppose it depends on how significant that point is.
God spared no expense to make a most significant point: That he exists; that he is love; that he loves the whole world and everyone in it.
Such a significant point would demand significant action, and God did not disappoint. He never does.
Of all the ways he might have chosen to make his point, God chose the most impactful, and the most costly.
He came. He became one of us. He took on human flesh, with all of its weakness and all of its risk. He was born of a human mother, and grew and lived as a baby, a human child, an adolescent, a young man, an adult. He used words, and examples, and miracles, and his very life, and ultimately his death, to make his point as clear as he could.
What we call Christmas is our celebration of that most significant coming. It would seem to demand an equally significant response. What can we do to show our appreciation?
Let's let that question shape our words and our actions this Christmas season.
He has come! What joy!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30 am.
12/1 - Communion Sunday - First Sunday in Advent
- Congregational Meeting right after worship
12/8 - Second Sunday in Advent
- Fellowship time immediately after at Tim and Judy Murphy's home.
12/15 - Third Sunday in Advent
- Fellowship time immediately after at Dan and Sara Akerlund's home
12/22 - Fourth Sunday in Advent
12/29 - Collection of coins for benevolence funds.
Tuesdays - 12/24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 7 PM
- Cookies and punch served in the fellowship room after the service.
Wednesdays - 12/4 and 12/11 - Bible Study - 6 PM - Fellowship Room
12/18 - Sing the Songs of Christmas - 6:30 PM - Sanctuary - cookies afterward!
Thursdays - 12/5 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
- No community dinner this month.
Congregational Meeting - A short congregational meeting will be held immediately after church on Sunday, December 1. Decisions about the church budget will be discussed. Plan on staying for this important meeting. We will meet first, then have fellowship time. Just plan on staying in the sanctuary when the service is over.
Refreshments - On Sunday, December 8 we will head over to Tim and Judy Murphy's house for our time of fellowship after church. Takes only a few minutes to get there. Carpool for easier parking. On Sunday, December 15 we are invited to Dan and Sara Akerlund's for fellowship, also right after church. Again please try to carpool. We will head on over to each home when the worship service is over. December 22 and 29 will be our usual potluck treats in the fellowship room.
Sing the Songs of Christmas - We are having an indoor Christmas carol sing-along on Wednesday, December 18. Invite friends and family for a fun night to sing all of your favorite Christmas carols and songs. Cookies and milk afterward. If you are not into singing, just come for fun and fellowship and to celebrate the season.
Cookies - We need cookies! We would like to have cookies or some kind of treats for our Christmas sing-along on December 18 and also for our Christmas Eve service. Please bring some if you are able. Thanks!
Coin Collection - Our quarterly collection of your coins will be Sunday, December 29. Thanks for all your support of this effort to build up our benevolence fund. The next collection will be on March 29.
Flowers - A new sign up sheet for altar flowers for 2020 is in the fellowship room. Choose a month and furnish some type of flower, plant, candle, or decor for each Sunday in your month. Thanks to all who furnished such beautiful arrangements in 2019. Very much appreciated.
Looking Ahead:
Annual Meeting and Potluck - Sunday, January 19