The arrival of the first winter storm. The arrival of the cards and letters from old friends and family. The arrival of winter itself, and so, the arrival of longer days. The arrival of packages and presents. The arrival of family and friends. The arrival of bills for those packages and presents.
This is the season of arrivals. Advent means "arrival". And all of the above is part of it, at least in our culture.
But of course, none of them, nor all of them together, matches the arrival of that which this season is all about. That arrival is the coming of God as man, God as a baby, God as one of us. Come to show us who God is. Come to heal us and deliver us. Come to set us free and restore us- all of us- to as right relationship with our loving Father.
As we prepare for the many arrivals of the season, let's keep our eyes on Jesus. He came once as a human, so many years ago. He comes daily now, to every waiting and seeking heart. And he will come again, arriving with power and glory and might- the last and greatest arrival!
Happy Advent! Blessed Christmas!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30 am.
12/2 - Communion Sunday - First Sunday in Advent.
- Congregational Meeting to follow after worship.
12/9 - Second Sunday in Advent.
- Fellowship time at Alice VanBrocklin's home.
12/16 - Third Sunday in Advent.
- Fellowship time at the Green's home. Walk on over after church.
12/23 - Fourth Sunday in Advent.
12/30 - Collection of jars of change for benevolence fund.
Mondays - 12/24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 7 PM.
- Cookies and beverages served in the fellowship room after the service.
Wednesdays - 12/5 and 12/12 - Bible Study - 7-8:30 PM - Fellowship Room.
12/5 and 12/12 - prayer, reflection, rest 6-9 PM Sanctuary
12/19 - Sing the Songs of Christmas - 6:30 PM - Sanctuary.
Thursdays - 12/7 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
12/27 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - come to eat and/or serve.
Other News:
Congregational Meeting - This Sunday, December 2, there will be a short congregational meeting. Decisions about the church budget will be discussed. Please plan on staying for this important meeting. Grab a cup of coffee and some treats, then head back into the sanctuary for the meeting.
Refreshments - On December 9 we will head over to Alice VanBrocklin's house for treats after church. Takes only a minute to get there. Carpool for easier parking. She lives at 14730 Caledonia Road. December 16 we will walk over to Angela and Stacy Greens house for our fellowship time. Also please note that there is a new sign up sheet for December through February in the fellowship room.
Sing the Songs of Christmas - We are having an indoor Christmas carol sing-along on Wednesday, December 19. Invite friends and family for a fun night to sing all your favorites Christmas songs. Cookies and hot chocolate afterward. If you are not into singing, just come for fun and to celebrate the season!
Sanctuary open for holiday respite/prayers- I love our sanctuary this time of year! I was in it for some solitude after the Bible discussion on Wednesday night- so lovely, peaceful, holy. But, I don't want to be selfish! So, we will open up the sanctuary on the first 2 Wednesdays of the month from 6-9pm, for any who might want to pray, reflect, or just get a little silence into their life. (Bible discussion will still go on in the fellowship room from 7-8:30)
Cookies - We need cookies! We would like to have cookies or some kind of treats for our December 19 sing along and our Christmas Eve service. Please bring some if you are able. Thanks!
Save Your Change - We will be having our quarterly collection of coins on Sunday, December 30. The board has initiated this plan to help build up our benevolence fund. In September we collected a total of $237.40!
Flowers - A new sign up sheet for altar flowers for 2019 is in the fellowship room. Choose a month and furnish some type of flower, plant, candle, or decor for each Sunday in your month. Thank you to all who furnished beautiful arrangements this year.
Happy December Birthdays!
25 - Jesus Christ
Looking Ahead:
Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner - Sunday, January 13 - Everyone is encouraged to be a part of this important time. After church, we will gather for a potluck and then conduct our annual business meeting.