One of the best things you will hear this season is the words the angel spoke to the shepherds on that dark amazing night: "Don't be afraid! I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide."
How many times in the life of Jesus did he preface his further actions or words with the admonition: Fear not!
Because he knows how fearful we are! How easily scared we are. And how badly we behave when we are afraid. And how, listening to fear, we soon lose our way, stumbling in the darkness.
Fear not! Because God has been, will be, and is in charge.
Fear not! Because He sees the big picture of which we see only a tiny slice.
Fear not! God knows the plans he has for us, and His intentions are for good, not for evil.
Fear not! For God is love, is perfect love, and perfect love casts out all fear.
This is not some lame theory. This is truth. It is fact.
If you are feeling fearful, anxious, overwhelmed, I suggest you pause to tell God exactly what is troubling you. Then listen... I think you will hear something like this: "Why do you doubt? Why are you afraid? I will never leave you nor forsake you. Count on it!"
Fear not! God is with us! And he's bringing good news of great joy!
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship Service - 10:30 am.
12/4 - Communion Sunday - Second Sunday in Advent.
12/11 - Third Sunday in Advent. No refreshments after service.
- All Church Christmas Party - 5:30 - 9 PM at Gary and Jennifer's home.
12/18 - Fourth Sunday in Advent.
- Fellowship Time is at the Green's home. Walk on over after church.
12/25 - Christmas Day Worship Service -10:30 am.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday :
- Explorers - 5 - 5:45 PM - Church Basement - Children 6 years and above.
- Sanctuary open for quiet prayer and reflection - 5:30 - 7:30 PM
- No Bible Study in the month of December
Thursdays - 12/1 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Church Fellowship Room
12/15 - Christmas Caroling in the village - 6:00 PM. Meet at the church.
12/ 22 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - Talk to Sandy Free.
Saturdays- 12/24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 7 PM
- Cookies and Punch served in the fellowship room after the service.
Other News:
All Church Christmas Party - 12/11- Everyone is invited to our annual Christmas Party at Gary and Jennifer's home from 5:30-9 PM. Enjoy food, fun and fellowship. Bring an appetizer or sweet treat to share. If you need a railing, we finally have one our front porch!
Caroling Party - 12/15 - 6:00 PM - Put on your warm clothes and join us at the church. We will head out into the village and sing Christmas carols. Bring a flashlight or a headlamp. Cookies and hot chocolate afterwards back at the church.
Cookies - Please consider bringing some cookies for our Christmas Eve service and our caroling party.
Christmas Services - We will have our Christmas Eve service at 7 PM and since Christmas is on a Sunday, we will have our regular service at 10:30 am. Two great chances to celebrate the birth of Christ. Invite your family and friends to come.
Flowers - Sign up sheet for 2017 in the fellowship room. Choose a month and furnish some type of flower, plant, candle, or decor for the front of the church for that month.
Refreshments - New sign up sheet is available for Dec -Feb. Please consider taking a Sunday.
Church Directory - A new directory will be coming in 2017. Please update your contact information on the table in the fellowship room. Or add your information if you want to be included.
Hospitals and Home Bound - Please let Gary or the deacons know if you are in the hospital or home bound and would like a visit.
Happy December Birthdays!
25 - Jesus Christ
Looking Ahead:
Sunday January 15 - All Church Annual Meeting and Potluck - Directly after church in the basement. Bring a dish or two to pass.
Women's Book Study - Talk to Jennifer if you are interested in the possibility of a daytime women's book study starting in late January.