It is clear from Jesus' teaching and example that he not only invites us to be his friends and followers, but he wants to engage us in helping others to do the same. A few thoughts...
"Go and make disciples of all people, baptizing them...and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you..." Jesus to his followers at the end of time on earth. (Matthew 28:19,20)
"But have reverence for Christ in your hearts, and honor him as Lord. Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect." Peter the apostle (1Peter 3:15)
"God through Christ, changed us from enemies into his friends, and gave us the task of making others his friends also." Paul the apostle (2 Corinthians 5:18)
The business of making disciples begins when a person has an encounter with the living Jesus. The best way for that to happen is not argument, but simply allowing him to live so fully in us, that others see him in our lives. That starts the process of moving from enemies, to friends, to full followers. Where are you at in that continuum? Are you ready to take the next step? Are you ready to help others?
(taken from weekly devotional that I write called Strong Spirits)
Looking forward to August!
Sunday August 2 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service with Communion - 10:30 am - Hills with us.
Saturday August 8 - All-City, All-church picnic and sing-along 2-6pm at YMCA Camp Winnebago (North Main Street, just
outside of Rockford) Bring own meat to grill, dish to pass. Come meet brothers and sisters from all over
the area, enjoy fellowship, singing, fun. Y staff helping with kids.
Sunday August 9 - Breakfast at Boone Lake on Dawson Road - Meet at 8:30 am for
this amazing Lumberjack Style Breakfast.
- Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am - Bring your coins for the well and bring your favorite Bible verses to share!
Thursday August 13 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Church Fellowship Room.
Sunday August 16 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am. Thursday August 20 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church.
Please come to serve and/or eat dinner.
Friday August 21 - Women's Day Out - 12:30 PM - All women invited. Info. below.
- Family Fun Night - 5:30 PM - Meet at the church for bike ride and supper. Info. below.
Sunday August 23 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am
Sunday August 30 - Adult Bible Study - 9:15 am - Church Basement.
- Worship Service - 10:30 am.
Greeters - We have dispensed with the sign up sheet, but still need greeters. Please take a turn for this simple but fun opportunity. Come a little early and be the greeter for that day!
Refreshments - Sign up sheet in the fellowship room. Lots of openings!
Flowers - The month of August is open, please email or text Jennifer, if you can do it.
Community Dinners - Talk to Sandy Free about helping or about coming to eat.
Women's Day On the River - Friday August 21 all women of the church are invited to a fun afternoon down by the Rock River. We will meet for lunch at 12:30 PM at the Prairie Street Brew house. Then we will take a cruise on the river aboard the Forest City Queen. Finally we will check out the city market. Should be done around 4:30. Please RSVP to Jennifer via email, txt or sign up sheet in the fellowship room. Must know by August 17, so reservations can be made. You can come for all or part of this event.
Family Fun Night - Friday August 21 - 5:30 PM - Grab your bike and head to the church for this fun event. Ride from church to the Caledonia Rd. shelter via the bike path. Supper will be waiting there! Sandwiches, chips, and drink. Head back to the church for ice cream! Don't want to ride? Just come to the shelter about 6 to eat. Bikes, skateboards, scooters, roller blades, etc are welcome. Contact Nikki at 815 979-3641 if you need a bike.
Well Update - You have until August 9 to collect your coins in a jar. Please bring them to church that morning. Do you have any ideas for our next phase of this fundraiser? We voted on this at the annual meeting, so we need to keep raising money towards this project for a needy country.
Books - Be sure to check out the church library in the fellowship room or our book exchange in the basement. Both are full of good reading materials for all ages.
September 13 - Annual Church Picnic under the oaks. Immediately following church. Lunch provided.