I am writing this just before heading out to points west, and the continuation of my sabbatical. I want to thank all of you who have extended best wishes and prayers for our time away. Already God is showing me some things I need to see. I imagine that He will continue to do so. So, please, keep us in your prayers to that end.
Our recent discussion about flags did not so much cause division among us, as it did reveal division that was already there. Jesus prayed to his Father that we would be one, and we are. But that doesn't mean we all have the same opinion. In fact, I suppose there are any number of topics I could name that would be cause for division. We don't need to discuss them all. But we do need to realize that we do have differing opinions on many matters, and that our charge is to love each other despite the differences. What we have in common- Jesus, his love for us, our love for him, his call to us to serve him- is far more important than whatever differences we might find.
I pray that August will find our congregation growing stronger, deeper, and freer in the love Jesus has for us. You are a great congregation. Let's continue together to grow into Christ-likeness and greater service to Him.
With you in Him,
New Directory - Please email Jennifer any corrections or additions to your information in the church directory.
Old Chairs and Tables - Please talk to Bob Lyford if you are interested in any of the old chairs or tables. LOOKING AHEAD Sunday September 14 - All Church Picnic - Lunch will be provided outside after church. Plan on staying for great food and fellowship. Saturday September 27 - Fall Luncheon and Bazaar