We should enter the month of April with care.
After all, it starts with a day dedicated to fools!
And who wants to be a fool? Not me. Not after I read what the Bible says about fools and foolishness. Not after the clear warnings against it. Not after the clear call to be wise.
And how do we do that? By acknowledging that God is God, that he is Lord over all, that he is in charge. We are told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We are further told that the fool says in his heart that there is no God. Raise questions. Wrestle with your doubts. But don't be so foolish as to declare that there is no God.
Or if you are that foolish, please keep your distance from me... I'm allergic to lightning!
You know what is also foolish? Saying you believe in God, but living like you don't. Living lives that don't honor him. Worrying about every little thing. Grumbling and mumbling instead of giving thanks.
This year this month gives us the greatest reason of all to trust and love God- Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday. On Good Friday, God demonstrates the depth of his love for us, and on Easter, the power he has over death. So we have a choice- be foolish, or celebrate our almighty, all-loving God!
Choose well!
April Calendar
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person and via Zoom.
4/3 - Communion Sunday
- Special Music from First Presbyterian kids
4/17 - Easter Sunday - He Is Risen!
4/24 - Coin Collection Day for Benevolence
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom - 7:30 PM - Zoom
Thursdays - 4/7 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM -
4/14 - Maundy Thursday Soup Supper - Church Basement - 5:45 PM
- Communion Worship Service - 7 PM
Saturdays - 4/14 - Church Cleaning Day - 9 am - 12 noon.
Other News -
Communion - For those of you attending in person, communion will be provided on Sunday, April 3, and Thursday, April 14. If you are attending via Zoom, please have your own ready if you want to participate.
Special Music Guests - We welcome kids from First Presbyterian in Belvidere on Sunday, April 3. They will be singing a couple of songs from a program they recently performed. Erin who lives in the village will be participating. We hope many of you come this Sunday to enjoy this special music.
Church Cleaning Day - Please come and help to do some spring cleaning at the church on Saturday, April 9 from 9 am to 12 noon. We have not done this for several years due to the pandemic. We could use as many hands as possible! We are grateful that Angela cleans for us weekly, but there are many other things that need our attention.
Maundy Thursday - Thursday, April 14 - We will gather for a soup supper in the basement at 5:45 PM. The Communion Worship service will be at 7 PM. Please sign up in the fellowship room for supper.
Easter - One of the highlights of the year is April 17, Easter Sunday. We hope as many as possible can attend in person this year. It is a great time to invite a friend or neighbor!
Refreshments - We have coffee every Sunday. Stay after church and enjoy a cup. There are usually some simple treats as well. Consider bringing something some Sunday!
Offering - Please continue to mail your offering to Nathalie. If you attend in person, there is an offering plate is at the back of the sanctuary, if you prefer.
Ukraine - The church board donated money to help Ukraine through World Vision. Consider donating personally as well. World Vision is one of many good organizations that are helping. Pick one and support Ukraine.