When I was a kid, I loved to try and trick people on April Fools day. I loved that there was a day set aside to prank people, to fool them. And I was always on my toes to not be fooled myself. Now I know I should be on my toes like that all the time!
Every day we are presented with the challenge of being wise, and not being foolish. And it is a challenge. What seems to be a good idea, or a good thought, or a good way to go, often turns out to be not wise at all- to be, in fact, foolish.
Now, most of those foolish actions are not that harmful and can be quickly remedied. Others can be devastating, even deadly. And so, if we are wise, we are careful and thoughtful about our thoughts, our attitudes, our words, and our actions. Because- as I always told my kids- every choice has a consequence.
One of the biggest choices we face in life is what to do about God. And the Bible speaks to it clearly: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'" Psalm 14:1 We would be a fool in April, or any other month, to deny the reality of God. And we would be just as foolish to say "I believe in God.", but then live as though he doesn't exist.
God is for real! And he really, really loves you! Learning to live in his presence every moment of every day is that best way I know to confirm how true those two statements are.
Happy April! Don't be a fool!
April 2017 Calendar
Sundays - Every Sunday: Worship - 10:30 am
4/5 - Communion Sunday
- 6:30 PM - Discussion of the movie The Shack - Schwerin's home.
4/9 - Palm Sunday
4/16 - Easter Sunday
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday:
- Explorers - 5:00 - 6:00 PM - Children's program for ages 6 and up - New
- Sanctuary open for prayer and refection - 5:30 - 8 PM.
- Bible Study - 6:30 - 8 PM - Fellowship room - Studying unique chapters of
Thursdays - 4/6 - Church Board Meeting - 7 PM - Fellowship Room.
4/13 - Maundy Thursday 5:45 PM Soup Supper and 7 PM Worship Service.
4/27 - Community Dinner - 5:30 PM - Poplar Grove Church - See Sandy Free
for details.
Saturdays - Men's Breakfast - Some Saturdays men gather at Pat's Cafe for breakfast at 8:30. Contact Gary for specific dates.
4/29 - Spring Cleaning at the church - 9 am - 12 noon. Everyone's help is
Other News:
Shack Discussion - Another discussion on the movie The Shack will be Sunday April 2 at 6:30 PM. We will meet at Gary and Jennifer's. There will be Shack snacks of course, to eat while we discuss! If you came the first time, feel free to come again. Please let Gary or Jennifer know if you are coming.
Maundy Thursday - April 13 everyone is invited to gather first for a soup supper at 5:45 PM, followed by a communion worship service at 7 PM. If you want to provide some food for the meal, there is a sign up sheet in the fellowship room.
Spring Cleaning - Plan on coming to help clean the church on Saturday April 29 from 9 am -12 noon. There will be cleaning outside and inside, including the kitchen. Many hands makes light work! Please set aside this time to keep our church looking good!
Greeters- Please talk to Ginny Johnson if you would like to be a greeter on Sunday morning.
Little Dresses for Africa - About 12 people gathered on March 30 to prepare and sew dresses for little girls in Africa and around the world. It was a great time of learning and creating! If you are interested in sewing a dress at home, please let Judy Murphy know. We may do another group sew, but nothing planned yet. Thanks to all who helped iron, cut, and sew. It truly was a group effort.
Congratulations - Many of you remember Erica Naughton. We want to congratulate her and Joshua Miller who just got engaged! They live in Madison, Wisconsin.