From time to time we need to re-think pretty much everything we say we know about God. It's not so much that we are wrong, as that we are incomplete, we have forgotten key truths, and we have opted for edited revisions of the One who cannot be edited, diminished, or comprehended.
Our God is incomprehensible, vast, and wild beyond telling; to be feared and held in deepest awe- and yet makes himself available to the simplest child.
From time to time we need to remember the paradoxical nature of our God: fully love, and fully just; all-powerful and gently kind; hidden, but longing for us to seek and find him.
Take time to sit alone quietly with him. Ask him to forgive and remove your misconceptions. Ask him to grant you child-like faith, and to be your ever-loving Abba. From time to time...
Have a great month!
October Calendar
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person and via Zoom.
10/6 - Worship and Communion
- Congregational Meeting in the sanctuary after worship.
10/20 - Worship Service
- Fall Potluck downstairs after worship.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom - 7 PM.
10/16 - Prayer Time - 1 PM - Sanctuary - information below.
Other News -
Zoom - Contact Gary at [email protected] for the Zoom Link and Passcode is for all events on Zoom.
Congregational Meeting -10/6 - A congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, October 6 following the worship service. The trustees will present information on a lift to the basement. The trustees have decided to call for a vote at the end of the meeting. Please come with your thoughts and questions.
Fall Potluck - 10/20 - Judy Murphy is planning a potluck and here is her information: "Join us for a potluck on Sunday, October 20 after church. Now that the weather is cooler, it's time to look through your recipe boxes and cookbooks for good comfort food for fall. Please bring a hot and cold dish to share if you are able. Hot dishes could be a main course, beans, potatoes and cold dishes could be salads, bread, or dessert. Don't feel limited by those suggestions. Please feel free to bring whatever you feel like sharing."
Prayer Time - 10/16 - Several of us have been gathering for prayer in recent months. Now we are attempting to make it a regular time on the calendar. We are proposing every third Wednesday of the month at 1 PM. We invite anyone who wants to pray or receive prayer to come. If you have interest but that time doesn't fit, let Gary know. Our next gathering will be on October 16 in the sanctuary.
Looking Ahead
Saturday - 11/2 - Daylight Savings Time ends - Turn your clock back one hour tonight.