This is a month known mostly for love of a romantic sort, as we celebrate Valentine's Day, named for a man who was known for love of a serving/sacrificial/friendship sort.
Love of a romantic sort sells more chocolate and flowers. And I'm for both of those and certainly for romantic love.
Still, love of a serving/sacrificial/friendship sort has shown to be a more impactful, lasting sort of love. It is the sort of love that Jesus modeled for us with his life, and certainly by his death. As his followers, we are called to model the same, with those we know, those we don't, and even our enemies. After all, you probably won't buy your enemies a box of chocolates.
It would be a good month to do some research (think Bible reading and study) on the life of Jesus and how he modeled this love for us. (John 15:1-17 would be a good place to start). It would be good to consider how we might model this love in our own lives.
We will be talking about some of the attributes of this love on Sunday mornings. Let's learn together how to be love to a very hurting, needy world.
I love you all! (in a serving/sacrificial/friendship way, of course!)
Sundays - Every Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. in person and via Zoom.
2/2 - Communion Sunday and Installation of Church Board Members.
2/9 - Chili-Cook-Off and Dessert Bake-Off following worship.
Mondays - Every Monday Ordinary Time Bible Study/Fellowship - 5:30 PM - various locations
2/3 - Tim and Judy Murphy's home
Wednesdays - 2/19 and 2/26 - Bible Study via Zoom - 7 PM
2/19 - Prayer Time - 1 PM - Sanctuary
Thursdays - 2/6 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM
Zoom - Contact Gary at [email protected] for Zoom link
Other News -
Board Members for 2025 - The 2025 church board members consist of Rita Gillette as clerk, Dave Walker as treasurer, and Nathalie Lyford as financial secretary. The deacons are Judy Murphy, Brittni Zick, and Kyle Zick. They are charged with the spiritual side of the church. The trustees are Curt Moore, Bob Lyford, and Tim Murphy. They oversee the physical building and finances. The communion preparers are Hannah Foley and Angela Green. The member-at-large position has not been filled yet. Thanks to Dave and Barb Kohl for their service as they step down from the board. Also, thanks to Karen Lassa and Jessica Boezem for their service as communion preparers in 2024.
Board Installation - 2/2- The board members will be installed during the worship service on February 2. Please pray for them and Gary as they work together to guide, lead, and care for our church. Feel free to contact them if you have questions, concerns, or ideas.
Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Bake-Off - 2/9 - Sunday, February 9, is our annual Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Bake-Off. Plan on staying after the worship service for some great food and friendly competition. The sign-up sheet is in the fellowship room. There are a few spots left. If you have your heart set on competing and the slots are full for chili and dessert, add your name anyway! There are a few random things to bring to help fill out the meal. You don't have to bring anything to come. Just be sure to come! Come hungry and with discerning taste buds! Who will get your votes? ( We will be done in plenty of time for the Super Bowl)
Ordinary Time Bible Study/Fellowship - This new study is up and running on Monday nights at 5:30 P.M. We study and discuss different topics each week and enjoy some hearty snacks. The location does move, so if you are interested, text Gary if you want to know where we are meeting. The February topics are: love your enemy, lay up treasures in heaven, let your light shine, and judge not.
Wednesday Night Bible Study - 2/19 and 2/26- If you want to study the Bible from home, consider the Wednesday night study that meets via Zoom. Rita Gillette is the leader. This study meets at 7 PM. In February, it is only meeting on 2/19 and 2/26.
Prayer - 2/19 - Anyone who wants to pray or be prayed for is invited to the sanctuary on Wednesday, 2/19, at 1 PM. Also, a reminder that books and magazines are set aside in the office about prayer. Feel free to take some home and return when you are finished.
Announcements - Just a reminder that announcements will made via the newsletter or emails. If you need something announced, please let Gary know and it will be sent to everyone by email. This way, everyone gets the same information.
Looking Ahead -
3/5 - Ash Wednesday - Lent Starts
3/8 - Daylight Savings Time Starts - Set your clocks ahead one hour.
3/16 - St Patrick's Day Potluck - The day before St. Patrick's Day is a Sunday, so why not have an Irish-themed potluck? Plan on staying on Sunday, March 16, for our first-ever St. Patrick's Day potluck. We might do a sign-up sheet so everyone doesn't bring corned beef! One person has already volunteered for that, so be thinking of other Irish-inspired dishes you might want to bring. Wear green that day, even if you are not Irish