In the middle of all the tumult of the world, believers in Christ make it their business at this time of the year to pause and consider the incredible- the coming to earth as a human baby by the one, true, sovereign God.
Hard to get your head around that, isn't it?
Paul the apostle wrote about it this way: "Jesus, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, and being made in human likeness." (Philippians 2:6,7)
I encourage you to consider what this means for you personally. In anticipation of the amazing event, we will be focusing our attention this month on how his coming affects us, our loved ones, and our world. I encourage you to take time to read Paul's thoughts in Philippians 2, and the gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke (chapters 1 and 2 in each book). Consider how much God loves us, and savor that love in some moments of quiet reflection. Ask God to fill you with wonder as you consider this holy, selfless act. Remember that he came for you, just as you are.
I'm looking forward to considering this together and worshipping the One who came...
Have a great month!
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 am in person and via Zoom.
12/1 - Worship Service and Communion Sunday
12/8 - Worship service followed by Congregational Meeting
12/15 - Worship Service followed by fellowship at Tim and Judy Murphy's home.
- 9:30 am - board meets to put together Christmas boxes.
- 11:30 - Fellowship time at the Murphy's.
12/22 - Worship Service possibly followed by another special fellowship. TBA
12/29 - Worship Service - Final Coin Collection of the year.
Tuesdays - 12/24 - Christmas Eve Service - 4:30 PM in person in the sanctuary and via Zoom.
Wednesdays - Every Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom - 7 PM. - no study on 12/25.
12/18 - Prayer Time - 1 PM - Sanctuary
Thursdays - 12/5 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM.
Other News -
Zoom - Contact Gary at [email protected] for the Zoom link
Jefferson Praire Invitation - The Jefferson Prairie Lutheran Church is having a Magic Show for children of all ages on Saturday, December 7 at 2 PM. We have been invited. There will be a magic show, refreshments, and gift bags. Sounds like a fun event to take your kids, grandkids, or neighbor kids. Their address is 23184 Bergen Road.
Congregational Meeting - 12/8 - Please plan on staying for a short congregational meeting after worship on Sunday, December 8. Decisions on the budget will be discussed. Everyone's input is important.
Helping Families - Every year we help families from the Caledonia School. This year Judy Muphy has been in contact with two families in need. Please talk to Judy if you have questions, want a list of ideas, or if you want to donate cash. Please bring gifts to the church by December 15. They can be wrapped or not. If you wrap, please try to attach a post-it note to say what the gift is.
Special Christmas Fellowship - 12/15 - On Sunday, December 15 we are invited to Tim and Judy Murphy's home for our fellowship time after the worship service. It only takes a couple of minutes to get to their home. Perhaps carpool for easier parking. Their address is 15333 Caledonia Rd. This will be a wonderful time to gather together to enjoy each other's company and to enjoy some holiday treats. If you are interested in helping provide some of the treats, please talk to Judy.
12/22 - We are still looking for another home to gather on Sunday, December 22 for fellowship time. If you are interested please talk to Jennifer.
Prayer Time - 12/18 - Anyone wishing to pray or be prayed for is invited to come to the sanctuary on Wednesday 12/18 at 1 PM.
Christmas Eve Service - 12/24 - We took a survey and it was decided that there will be a Christmas Eve service this year. We look forward to seeing you at 4:30 PM on Tuesday, December 24. We will sing Christmas carols, hear the Christmas story, hear a message, and close by candlelight.
Thanks - Many thanks to those of you who helped decorate the church for Advent/Christmas. As always, it looks beautiful. Thanks to those of you who made a donation and took some of the things from the pie room. That money will go to the school families we are helping.
Looking Ahead-
Annual Meeting and Potluck - Sunday, January 19 will be our annual meeting and potluck after the worship service. if you attend this church you are welcomed and encouraged to attend. We have fabulous potlucks and that will be followed by a business meeting. We look at the past year and do some planning for the coming year. Everyone's ideas and input are needed. Plan on bringing a dish or two to pass. More information will be in the January newsletter.