A key to the peace that Jesus offers us, that goes beyond our understanding, is to let everything go and fully trust him with it all. Everything good and everything bad. If we cling to any of it, we will carry concerns, worries, and anxieties that we were never meant to bear. We must remember that God is our Abba, and he has everything under control, even- and especially- when it appears that he does not.
You and I need fear no situation, because he is with us, and promises never to leave us.
As summer is starting to wind down, the election frenzy continues to amp up, and the situation in the world continues to get crazier. I hope and pray that we will learn the peace that comes from letting things go to him. He is all we have and he gives us all we need. We will find the peace we seek first by going to prayer, and spending time with him. And then, by going with him into the world to transform it into what he longs it to be.
Have a great August!
Thursdays - 8/1 - Church Board Meeting via Zoom - 7 PM - Zoom
Sundays - Every Sunday - Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. in person or via Zoom. Zoom Link Below
8/4 - Worship and Communion Sunday
8/25 - Outdoor Worship
- Coin Collection for Benevolence
Wednesdays - the Wednesday Bible Study via Zoom has been postponed until September
Other News -
Zoom - Contact Gary at [email protected] for the Zoom link.
Communion - Communion will be served on August 4. If you are on Zoom, please have your own ready if you wish to partake.
Worship Under the Oaks - Weather permitting, we will worship outside on Sunday, August 25. There is a little more work involved outside, so any help before or afterward is welcomed.
New Directories - The new directories are done! You can pick yours up at church. We opted for a simpler directory so it can be updated more frequently. Many thanks to those who put it together, especially Mike McGinnis.
Sunday Morning Fellowship Time - We offer coffee every Sunday in the fellowship room. There are also some packaged snacks as well. We still welcome any other treats/snacks/baked goods that anyone would care to bring. I
Thanks - Thanks to Jill and Mark Gray for opening their home and garden in July. Fourteen women enjoyed a great time of fellowship. Jill's garden was amazing!
Free and Fill a Prayer - A couple of you asked for a copy of the prayer that I prayed at the end of the message on July 26. Here it is...
Free me this day, O Lord
From all regrets of the past
From all anxiety about today
From all fear about the future
From all bitterness or resentment
From cowardice in the face of danger
From pride about myself
From laziness in the face of work
From doubt in the face of your evident love
From failure before opportunity
From all weakness when your power is at hand
From all judgment and the need to correct others
From temptations to sin against you and others
From longing for your blessings more than for you
But fill me
With love that knows no barrier
With empathy that reaches to all
With peace that fills my thoughts
With courage that can’t be shaken
With patience to be still
With faith strong enough for the darkness
With whimsy and wonder as a child
With strength sufficient for my tasks
With humility about all I am and do
With loyalty to you and your Kingdom
With power to lift me to you.
With wisdom to live my life
With joy that is my strength
With kindness for all
Be with me for another day, and use me
as you would. Amen.